The Third Generation of Waterfox Arrives, the Browser Based on Firefox

A new browser war is about to start very soon. Currently, Google Chrome takes over the market with 70% of users within its operating system. Next we have the new Edge, Microsoft‘s browser that uses the Chromium engine and that comes packed with improvements compared to its rival, and thirdly Firefox, the option for those who are concerned about their privacy. In the coming months we are going to see major changes in the market share of browsers, and everything is going to change. And, of course, alternative browsers are already preparing to try to break through and steal a user from their rivals. And the one who is already prepared to fight is Waterfox.

Waterfox is a Firefox-based web browser. This browser was created to fill a number of shortcomings in the original Mozilla browser and improve it in many ways. For example, it was among the first to support 64 bits, long before Firefox, and to remove heavy and unnecessary content from the browser, such as Adobe DRM or Pocket, to make it as free and lightweight as possible. In addition, this browser has been one of the few that has continued to support the XUL and XPCOM add-ons and extensions system after, with Firefox 57, Mozilla eliminated its support.

Third Generation of Waterfox

For most users, Waterfox is the legacy of a classic Firefox. But in this world, if you want to stand up to your rivals, you have no choice but to change.

G3, a reinvention of the browser (almost) from scratch

Alex Kontos, main developer and responsible for Waterfox, has started work on what he has called the third generation of this browser. This new version, the first thing it does, is change the base of Firefox for the latest ESR 78 . In addition, the new Waterfox will have a new numbering system much simpler than the one I was using until now: G x and z.

  • x – It will indicate the main version of the browser, the “generation”. For example, G3.0.0.
  • and – Indicates a minor version, an update focused, for example, on compatibility. For example, G3.1.0.
  • z – Patch version when minor or security fixes are applied. For example, G3.1.5.

Another important change that we will see in this browser is that, finally, it will be compatible with the extensions of other browsers . Its developer talks about the Chrome and Opera stores, although it could go further.

Despite facing a major change in this browser, its developer ensures that it is working to offer the same functions and features as previous versions. For example, it is expected to have support for NPAPI and for the classic browser extensions.

Download Waterfox G3

This new browser is still in a very early stage of development. Its developer recommends its users to use this new G3 version only for testing purposes, never in production or for day-to-day use. Without going any further, the latest digitally signed version is unable to load a single website.

If we are interested in testing this new browser, we can download it from the following link . For now we do not know when the third generation of this browser will reach the stable branch.