Super Mario 64 for PC: Mods, Hacks and Better Graphics

The publication of the Mario 64 port revolutionized the networks and all those followers of the famous plumber. What is possibly one of the best platform games of all time arrived unofficially and leaked to PC a few weeks ago thanks to a completely homemade port that began to circulate on the network. And of course, considering that this is a version for PC, the mods and hacks have not taken long to appear.

Improving Mario

Super Mario 64 for PC: Mods, Hacks and Better Graphics

The game was running like a charm, and it was a direct conversion of the original cartridge to a compatible format for PC to work perfectly. But it seems that this is not enough for many users who, encouraged to improve the game even more, have decided to include infinite graphic improvements that allow them to enjoy the jewel of the Nintendo 64 as we have never seen before.

One of the examples is the new modeling that they have created for Mario, which goes from having a cap and ears that are completely polygonal to a much more defined aspect that closely resembles the Mario that we can find on Nintendo Switch with Super Mario Odyssey .

New textures with higher resolution

Super Mario 64 PC

Another of the graphic aspects that can be enjoyed with the help of a mod, is the possibility of installing a graphic patch that places incredibly more defined textures and with more detail than the original ones, finding, for example, the stained glass window of the Castillo de Peach, who now looks much more defined and detailed.

Among the many changes that have been included we can find an improved Bowser, more real coins with a three-dimensional aspect, or the increase in the drawing distance, which allows us to see more elements at a distance and eliminate the popping effect that was so much seen in Nintendo 64.

Much more fluid

As if that were not enough, the modders have also wanted to improve the visual aspect by offering the possibility of playing 60 images per second, something that changes the mythical Super Mario 64 in a radical way and makes it look amazing. You can watch some videos of this activated setting and check the changes yourself.

All these videos are being shared through the Unreal channel, the YouTube user who uncovered the PC version and who helped spread it like wildfire. On his channel we can see a large amount of video in which to see many adjustments and new options included, such as the possibility of playing with Luigi, and even an 8K gameplay and 60 images per second.