Streamline Your Linux Distro Management with WSL Distro Manager

If you’re a passionate advocate for open-source Linux operating systems, you may find yourself wanting to have multiple distributions installed on your PC simultaneously. While various functions and tools are available for managing these distributions, there’s one software solution that could make your life much easier, and you might not be aware of it.

In recent times, the popularity of Linux distributions has surged, thanks in large part to the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL). WSL allows users to have multiple different Linux distributions installed on their Windows systems, with much of the management occurring through the terminal.

However, there’s an excellent third-party software tool that can simplify this process even further, and it’s both user-friendly and free. Allow us to introduce you to WSL Distro Manager, a tool you’ll come to adore. You can download WSL Distro Manager from this link, and it’s a free and open-source application with its own dedicated page on GitHub.

distros linux

Here’s why you’ll love WSL Distro Manager:

  1. Effortless Management of Multiple Linux Distributions: With its straightforward graphical interface, WSL Distro Manager enables you to comfortably use and manage various Linux distributions. Gone are the days of relying solely on the terminal. It also offers a portable version, allowing you to run it directly on Windows without installation.
  2. One-Click Distro Launch: WSL Distro Manager lets you launch any of your installed distributions with a single mouse click, sparing you the need to delve into the terminal. This feature alone can drastically simplify your Linux experience.
  3. Customization and Additional Features: You have the freedom to generate your own shortcuts within the graphical interface for quick access to your preferred Linux distributions. Additionally, WSL Distro Manager allows you to initiate a VSCode session within a specific distro or create a copy of it—tasks that previously required terminal commands.

Getting started with WSL Distro Manager is a breeze. The program automatically identifies software installed on your PC, including Linux distributions, and should recognize any distributions you add later. If needed, you can manually add new instances by clicking the “+” button.

Moreover, WSL Distro Manager offers extensive configuration options for managing your distributions, eliminating the need to create a .wslconfig file manually. You can set global or specific configurations for each distro, including memory allocation, CPU usage, and kernel selection.

In summary, whether you’re a seasoned Linux user or new to Linux distributions, WSL Distro Manager is a program that will prove invaluable. Its real strength shines when you want to efficiently manage and use multiple distros on the same PC, offering both convenience and effectiveness in one neat package.