Start 2023 with these shared calendars and agendas

Thanks to technology and especially the internet and the software that we can use online, we have the possibility of organizing our lives much better. Both with friends and family, we can use various calendars and agendas to use in a shared way and forget about the chaos of yesteryear.

First of all, we must take into account that we are talking about programs that allow us to use them in a shared way on multiple platforms and devices . Therefore, to organize family life, for example, we could install a shared agenda or calendar using all the members of the same account. That way everyone could leave their tasks, purposes and requests so that everyone else could access them.

Start 2023 with these shared calendars and agendas

If this is done in an orderly way, we would have the possibility of starting the new year 2023 in an exemplary way as far as the family is concerned. For this reason, we are going to talk about some software solutions in the form of shared calendars and agendas that will help you.


This is one of the most interesting and used proposals of this type for years. It is interesting to know that we have a version for desktop computers and another for mobile devices so that we can always carry our agenda with us. It is a perfect program for sharing all kinds of content, something that will be very useful when organizing our family environment in 2023.

Todoist para Chrome

How could it be otherwise, it works in the cloud and it will be essential that we create an account to be used by all family members. In addition, here it is worth knowing that thanks to the intuitive user interface that we find, we will not have problems when making entries for events and notes that we want to share. In turn we have other elements such as project organizer, tags or search filters.

Here we find another widely extended agenda in terms of its use throughout the world. As in the previous case, we will have the possibility of using it both from a Windows -based computer and from our mobile . Once we have created our joint family account , all we have to do is start adding the corresponding notes and notices to share.

One of the advantages that we have here is that we can establish a system of priorities so that each of the participants can organize themselves better. To register for the online service we can do it with a simple Google account that most of us have.

Google Calendar

As we mentioned before, most of you have a free account to use on the different Google platforms . This will allow us to use the calendar proposed by the search giant and which is one of the most interesting alternatives in this software sector. In order to organize together at the family level, the best thing we can do is create a joint account for all of us to use and work with this calendar.

Google calendario

In addition, we can make use of it from all types of devices and platforms, introducing new entries and configurations in a simple and intuitive way. This will allow us to lead a more organized family life thanks to all the types of events and tickets that we can do here, all at no cost.


Here we find another interesting alternative in the form of an online calendar that we can use from any internet browser . This will allow us to organize our family life in the cloud thanks to this web application . All we have to do is create an account here and send the corresponding invitations to the family members we want to add.

So we can create all kinds of appointments and events while we share them with the rest of the members in real time . All this will allow us to create entries for events, meetings or celebrations, among other things.