Speedrun: Records, Most Played Games and Best Speedrunners

Surely on more than one occasion you have been rushed in more than one game. Eager to reach the end of the level as soon as possible, you have verified that depending on what jumps or what combinations of buttons you do, you can finish earlier and scratch the timer for a few seconds. Well, there are professional people who are dedicated to that, they are called speedrunners, and today we are going to show you the most famous and the most surprising milestones.

What is a speedrun?

Speedrun: Records, Most Played Games and Best Speedrunners

As its name suggests, a speedrun is a frenetic race, a term that, applied to video games, defines a game completed in the shortest possible time. These full-blast games have generated a series of competitions among users who, eager to demonstrate who was the fastest to complete a circuit, or who achieved the highest possible score in a game, have led to a whole religion that is followed by million users.

Actually, this thing about seeing who can do the most is not something especially new. The arcade machines were full of initials of those players who were fighting to get the highest places in the High Score tables, however, the arrival of more complex and complete games have allowed to create really tough competitions, such as completing a game in full in the shortest possible time. Believe that you would be able to bear the pressure of the clock during a game of more than 4 hours?

The challenge of being the fastest in the world

Super Mario 64 Speedrun

Taking into account the competition that exists and the large number of games involved, there are websites such as speedrun.com , where all the records collected by users from all over the world are collected. It is a very useful database to know this type of marks, since they have all kinds of details, including the record demonstration video (essential to certify its validity) so you can see how the mark was achieved.

Such is the follow-up that there are for these types of challenges that many Twitch and YouTube channels are exclusively dedicated to broadcasting their daily practices, training sessions and attempts to achieve the challenge live. Without going any further, recently the user Simply managed, after 8 years of trying, to break the world record of Super Mario 64 obtaining the 120 stars of the game in the shortest possible time.

If getting the 120 stars in the game is already a punishment, imagine doing it in the shortest possible time. Exactly in 1 hour, 38 minutes and 28 seconds.

What does it take to get a Speedrun?

In addition to being obviously the fastest (or one of the fastest) to complete a game, for a record to be validated, a series of essential requirements must be met. The most important thing is that you present a graphic proof of your game (if possible a video) so that it can be verified that you have indeed achieved the time you are claiming. The web differentiates between games completed on consoles, on PC and on emulators, something quite important since some could use mods to get an advantage.

The Guinness World Record

Abuela gamer record

As if that were not enough, things got so serious that even the Guinness World Record grants its certifications to those users who dare to beat the mark, however, there are only two games that enter the competition, with God of War and Minecraft being the chosen. In the event that you are a beast in one of those two games and want to try to get the official title, you must take into account these requirements:

  • Use a timer that controls the times in video.
  • Capture the video in 720p resolution or higher.
  • Optionally you can include a capture of the keystrokes or buttons and a webcam image of the player.
  • You cannot use save games unless they are to start a game from scratch.

The most famous speedruns

Now that you know how this speedruns works and that it is basically an addiction that you can hardly escape, we are going to leave you with some of the most famous and amazing speedruns that have been achieved in recent years. Usually the most striking are starring games with a large number of players, since they have created a community around that fights to death to get scratch thousandths at the best time recorded.

The speedrun of Super Mario 64

This record is quite special, since user Simply needed no less than 8 years of hard work to take first place on the list with a time of 1 hour, 38 minutes and 28 seconds. The feat is there, but Super Mario 64 is still the most played game in terms of speedrun, so the threat is still present. Of course, Simply ensures that you can still scratch your brand for a few seconds.

Super Mario Bros in less than 5 minutes

Another of the most intense races that can be found on the internet is related to another installment of Mario. And it is that the original Super Mario Bros of NES gives a lot of play. Remember those secret pipes that allowed you to travel to world 8? Well that’s nothing compared to glitches that experts can use to scratch a few seconds on the clock. The current record is held by the user Kosmic with 4 minutes, 55 seconds and 646 thousandths.

Celeste’s mountain

Celeste is known for being a platform with a rather special difficulty, since we must jump continuously with extreme precision on many occasions. But that’s no problem for Marlin, the user who holds the world record for completing the game in the shortest time possible with 26 minutes 57 seconds and 635 thousandths.

The cookie Monster

Cookie Clicker is a nice and addictive game that will invite us to burn the click of our mouse in exchange for exponentially generating chocolate cookies. It is so addictive that it will probably make you waste hours and hours of your time, and of course, this has also generated a competition. Exactly to see who is capable of generating a million cookies in the shortest possible time. The winner? Astreyaabyss with no less than 8 minutes and 10 seconds.

10 Tetris lines

Another of the challenges that exist in Tetris is to create consecutive lines in the shortest possible time, and within the categories, there is one of those that might sound simpler to you: completing 10 lines in Tetris. Well, user Piemanray314 was able to complete 10 lines of Tetris in no less than 10 seconds.

The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

If we’ve wasted enough time trying to escape the water tempo in Ocarina of Time , we don’t understand someone like dannyb21892 who was able to complete the game in less than 8 minutes. What’s more, he has achieved it in 7 minutes, 34 seconds and 806 thousandths. Of course, for this, it has used a glitch that was recently discovered and that allowed reaching an inaccessible area of the map unless you completed another mandatory route (which required more time).