Socratic: Solve Mathematical Questions Through the Camera

Socratic is a new educational game that, through artificial intelligence , can solve all kinds of problems of any subject, and help us in our studies. The reality is that it has not been an original idea of Google, but has worked a project that was already raised.

Surely many will remember Socratic, which served as a means to resolve doubts through an image of our notes or an exercise in question, and the app would put the necessary resources to formulate the answers. In this way, Google liked the project, bought it, and has relaunched it this year with new features.


Artificial Intelligence to know you better

The basis of this face lift lies in the implementation of Google AI as a tool to find solutions and ultimately help users in their studies. Also, we not only have the option to capture an image and have the app scan it, but we can also use our voice to dictate a question or a mathematical formula.

Once the doubt is inserted, Socratic will begin to show all the explanations available to the question, each with different points of view and different ways of solution, since we have written or video explanations.

The sources are diverse, from lessons explained by professors and experts through collaborations, to specific pages on the subject in question, through YouTube videos or Wikipedia articles. Be the resource that we use, all the results are explained step by step, what interests is that the solution is understood instead of opting for the easy way.

A source of knowledge

In addition to solving personal doubts, or at least trying, he acts as a repository or explorer, with all the subjects there have been and for having, including each one of them all the lessons related to these matters, to have another way of consultation other than the raised above.

The vast majority are pre-university subjects , although Google says they will continue to include more subjects of different levels. Algebra, Trigonometry, Biology, Chemistry or Literature are some of the ones we can find in the application.

Price: Free

The bad? Not everything could be perfect, and it is that both the interface and the lessons explained by experts are in English , although it recognizes Spanish for voice searches. Anyway, nothing that Google Translate can not fix if we have not mastered the Anglo-Saxon language.