Simple changes to apply to your WiFi and make it better

We all desire a reliable and uninterrupted Internet connection with good speed. When we connect through Wi-Fi, it’s important to be aware that issues may occur more frequently compared to a wired network connection. However, there are several simple changes you can make to address any problems you encounter. In this article, we will guide you on what adjustments you can make to improve your Wi-Fi performance.

Many of us prefer using Wi-Fi for internet connectivity as it provides convenience and allows us to connect from anywhere within our homes. Moreover, certain devices like smartphones, tablets, and home automation systems do not offer the option to connect via cable, making Wi-Fi the primary means of accessing the internet for these devices. Hence, it becomes crucial to have a reliable and efficient Wi-Fi network. If you are experiencing poor Wi-Fi performance, we will share some easy-to-follow tips to enhance its functionality.

wifi signal

Changes to improve Wi-Fi

To ensure the optimal performance of your wireless network, several factors need to be considered. Having a high-quality router and a properly functioning receiver are crucial. Additionally, it’s essential to ensure that all system-level configurations are set up correctly. However, there are instances where specific changes become necessary to prevent potential issues from arising.

Change channel and band

One simple adjustment you can make to improve your router’s performance is to switch to a different channel. Interference may occur if your neighbors are connected to the same channel or a nearby one, particularly in densely populated areas such as apartment complexes. Additionally, changing the band can be beneficial, with the 2.4 GHz band being more susceptible to interference compared to the 5 GHz band. It’s important to note that the 2.4 GHz band provides wider coverage, while the 5 GHz band has more limited range.

Modern WiFi routers are typically dual-band, capable of broadcasting in both the 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz bands simultaneously. However, not all WiFi devices support both bands, especially home automation devices that often only support the 2.4 GHz band. In such cases, it’s recommended to use the 5 GHz band for smartphones, tablets, and laptops, allowing the 2.4 GHz band to remain “free” and ensuring optimal functionality for all devices.

Try to improve the location of the router

Another adjustment you can consider is relocating your router. It is not uncommon for routers to be placed in a location that does not optimize signal distribution, resulting in poor Wi-Fi coverage. Many times, we leave the router in the same spot where it was initially installed, which may not be ideal. Ideally, the router should be positioned in a central area of the house to ensure better signal distribution and connectivity across devices, promoting stability.

To improve signal propagation, it is recommended to place the router in an elevated position. Avoid placing it on the ground and instead position it at a height of around 1 or 1.2 meters. Additionally, refrain from placing any objects on top of the router, as this can lead to increased heat buildup and negatively impact the Wi-Fi signal quality. Remember, the position and location of the router play a crucial role in ensuring optimal performance and coverage of your wireless network.

Change router to improve Internet

If you use a repeater, see what is nearby

If you are using a Wi-Fi repeater, it is important to ensure that it is functioning properly. Pay attention to any nearby devices that may cause interference. Bluetooth devices, such as headphones, and household appliances like microwaves operate on the same 2.4 GHz frequency as Wi-Fi, which can lead to signal disruptions.

To optimize the performance of your Wi-Fi repeater, it is recommended to place it in an isolated location, free from interference from other devices. Avoid placing it in a corner where it may struggle to distribute the wireless signal effectively. Ideally, position the repeater halfway between the router and the area where the Wi-Fi coverage is weak. Placing it too close to the router may not extend the Wi-Fi reach to the desired areas, while placing it too far may result in diminished speed and performance. Finding the right balance is key to achieving optimal coverage and signal strength.

Prepare your PC or mobile

It is essential to ensure that your devices are properly configured for network connectivity. One important change you can make is to keep your network card drivers and operating system up to date. Outdated drivers can cause issues with connecting to the internet effectively, resulting in limitations and suboptimal performance. Simply updating these components can significantly improve your network experience.

However, there may be instances where you encounter persistent problems and need to troubleshoot further. In such cases, it may be necessary to investigate the underlying issue and take steps to remove any unauthorized users from your Wi-Fi network.

As you can see, these small adjustments to your network setup can be quite helpful. Whether you’re experiencing browsing difficulties, slow speeds, or frequent interruptions, implementing these changes can enhance the overall performance and reliability of your network connection.