Should Microsoft kill Cortana? What does it bring to Windows

In recent times, voice-controlled personal assistants have become common in some systems and devices. This is the case with which we find on our Android or iOS mobiles, for example. In the same way, surely many of you have a smart speaker with Alexa at home. That is why at the time Microsoft did not want to be left behind and launched Cortana for its Windows system.

Surely many of you have interacted with the Google assistant, or with Apple‘s Siri to carry out queries or open mobile applications. Likewise, these assistants today are already settling in homes so that we can control lights, appliances and all kinds of connected devices. As Microsoft is one of the great representatives of software in the world, it also wanted to enter this market, hence the appearance of the Cortana assistant.

Should Microsoft kill Cortana

Initially and after its appearance in Windows 10 , one of the main objectives of the firm was that users could control the system by voice. At the same time, you could also search online and interact in many other ways with the assistant. However, over time, those from Redmond realized that the acceptance of this wizard in Windows had nothing to do with that of its competition.

Therefore, at this point, many might wonder, more after the arrival of Windows 11 , if Microsoft should end this project. The truth is that at this point the answer should be yes. Taking into account the usefulness that the Cortana assistant presents us with in 2022, we can say that it is a practically useless tool .

What Cortana can do now in Windows

This is something that the Redmond firm is aware of, so it would not be surprising that it will soon stop investing money and efforts in its assistant . While a priori this is an assistant that should let us manage Windows with our voice, or search the Internet, this is no longer the case.

In the event that you now want to interact in some way with the Microsoft system assistant, you can only do so with inconsequential elements. If you try to run applications or perform online queries, you will be met with the message Something went wrong, please try again in a while .

error Cortana

However, we can interact with the Windows assistant in a less useful but more entertaining way. Specifically, we mean that we can ask Cortana somewhat personal questions so that she answers us in a funny way. We refer to questions such as what he eats, who is his mother, the meaning of his name, etc. In the same way, and if what we are looking for is to have an entertaining time , we can also ask him to tell us some jokes , recite some poetry , or sing us a song.

preguntas Cortana

In these cases, although sometimes we will receive some really curious and funny answers, the real usefulness of all this is minimal . Therefore, after the general refusal of most users to use the Windows wizard, Microsoft should consider this project finished in future versions of the system.