How to Send Sensitive Information and Files Safely Over the Internet

Sometimes we have to send documents, files and, ultimately, sensitive information over the Internet. We have different methods and options at our disposal. However, keep in mind that not all of them will be safe and reliable. Our data, our files we send, could be intercepted or not completely secure. Therefore, in this article we wanted to give a series of recommendations to send sensitive information correctly on the Internet without taking any risk. It is interesting to consider some recommendations.


How to send sensitive information and files safely

Use encrypted cloud platforms

The first advice we want to give is to use encrypted cloud platforms and guarantees. Today we can use many services on the network that allows us to share files with any user. Basically they allow us to host folders and documents to later share them with other users.

The problem is that not all platforms are secure, encrypted and, ultimately, guarantee privacy and security. We may run into services that may put those files at risk, that may be filtered by third parties and affect our systems.

Our advice is therefore to use platforms in the cloud of guarantees, which are correctly encrypted and reliable. There are many services available on the Internet and it is a good idea to investigate what encryption they use, for example.

Single link services

It is also interesting to make use of platforms that allow you to send the files through a single link and subsequently deleted. In this way we guarantee that once the file reaches the recipient it cannot be opened by any other user. One more way to increase security and privacy by sending information online.

Encrypt folders or files

Beyond if the service we use is encrypted or not, it is convenient to take action on our own. An extra security barrier is to encrypt the folders or files that we will pass. This ensures that only the recipient can really read it.

The fact of encrypting the files, in addition to the encryption of the platform we use, will make those folders arrive perfectly protected.

Use VPN services

When we are going to send files or information over the network we have to take into account where we are connected. Public Wi-Fi networks can be a threat to our security. Our data may leak and have security and privacy issues.

To avoid these problems we can make use of VPN services . What these tools do is encrypt our connection. Our data goes through a kind of tunnel and cannot be intercepted by third parties. This way we ensure our privacy and do not make mistakes.

We have at our disposal a series of tools of this type. Some are paid and others are free, although you have to make sure you choose one that is guaranteed. They are available for all types of operating systems and devices.


Send password with a manager

We have focused on files and folders that we want to send safely over the network . Now, we may simply want to send a password. Let’s say we share an account with someone and we want to pass him the key. We do not want to send it by email or WhatsApp message for fear of being intercepted.

An interesting option we have is to use a key manager. Some like LastPass or Dashlane allow us to share passwords with other users. Of course, the other person will also have to have an account in this service.

Password managers are very useful for managing keys, but we can also generate really strong and secure passwords and, as we have seen, share them with other users.

In short, these are the options and advice we can give to send sensitive information through the Internet. A series of recommendations that we must take into account for this.