Reasons to leave the mobile’s GPS enabled

You may have heard advice suggesting that turning off your mobile’s GPS is beneficial for saving battery life and protecting your privacy. However, there are clear advantages to leaving your GPS on at all times. Let’s explore why it is better to keep it enabled.

If you have been advised to disable GPS when you’re not actively using it, we’re here to provide you with reasons to reconsider that approach. Are you curious to learn more?

active gps mobile

You can find your mobile if you have lost it

By keeping the GPS of your mobile activated, you can benefit from the ability to locate it in case it gets lost or stolen. Whether you have a smart bracelet, a smartwatch, or use services like Google’s Find My Device (for Android) or the Find My iPhone website (for iPhones), having GPS enabled allows you to track and retrieve your device.

In the unfortunate event that your mobile has been stolen, having GPS enabled helps you detect its whereabouts before the thief can take actions to hide it. Moreover, if you report the theft to the authorities, having the GPS on makes it easier for the police to locate and recover your device. Even if the mobile is turned off, the time advantage gained through GPS tracking can be crucial in the recovery process.

Having your GPS always on is the best way to quickly locate your phone in case you misplace it. This is especially helpful if you tend to be forgetful, as searching for your phone can be a time-consuming and frustrating task. Without GPS, you may have to resort to calling your phone and scouring your surroundings, which can be an inefficient and stressful process.

They can reach you in case of emergency

In case of emergencies, accidents, or getting lost in an unfamiliar location, having your GPS always on can greatly assist in locating and rescuing you. For instance, if you find yourself in a car accident and are unable to communicate your location effectively, having GPS enabled can provide crucial information to emergency responders, making it easier for them to find and assist you. This feature can be incredibly valuable in various situations where prompt assistance is needed.

Having the GPS function always active is also essential in certain situations, such as when it is necessary to track the location of a child or a person with Alzheimer’s disease. In these cases, the GPS can help ensure their safety and provide peace of mind for family members and caregivers.

Relevant information in real time

Having GPS always on enables your mobile device to provide you with real-time information without requiring any manual intervention. The technology continuously updates the relevant data, ensuring that you have access to the information that is important to you at all times. This convenience allows you to stay informed and connected effortlessly.

widget see the time in two cities

Having GPS always on offers numerous practical benefits during your travels. With GPS, you can conveniently check the weather conditions of your current location or any destination you plan to visit. It also enables your device to automatically adjust the clock and time zone, eliminating the need for manual updates. These are just a few examples of the basic services that utilize GPS, simplifying various aspects of your daily life and making your overall experience more convenient and seamless.

You will find your photos and videos much better

Having GPS always on allows you to accurately determine the location where your photos were taken. This information can be invaluable when you want to revisit a particular beach, waterfall, or any other scenic spot captured in your photo gallery. Additionally, with the GPS data embedded in your images, you can easily search and organize your photos using services like Google Photos. By enabling GPS, you enhance the functionality of these services, making it simpler to locate and categorize your photos based on their geographical information.

mobile photo metadata

The metadata of your photos contains valuable information such as the date and precise location where each photo was taken. By keeping GPS always on, this metadata is captured automatically, providing you with easy access to the details of your photos. This not only allows you to quickly retrieve photos based on specific dates and locations but also assists photo services in efficiently finding the image you need. As a result, you can conveniently explore your photo collection and locate specific photos without investing significant time in manual searches.