Puppy Linux 9.5: New Operating System for Old Computers

The software is advancing at great speed. This means that programs and operating systems stop working (or, at least, working correctly) on older computers. More and more memory, more space and more processor are needed to be able to work normally. And if we don’t have it, we won’t be able to update our OS or install a modern operating system. This has meant that, over the years, our storage rooms and closets have been filled with old computers (especially laptops) that nowadays, with Windows, do not work properly. And this is where Puppy Linux comes in.

One of the best features is that each user community can freely modify it to give it a specific purpose. And, although there are several distributions designed to work on older computers, one of the most interesting that we can find is Puppy Linux.

Puppy Linux 9.5

Puppy Linux is a lightweight distro specially designed to run on very old computers and laptops that have an old CPU or very little RAM. This distro, which occupies less than 400 megabytes, is characterized by being extremely fast, versatile and customizable. In addition, it comes with all kinds of useful tools to be able to work with it in our day to day.

A few hours ago, its developers have released a new version of this distribution, Puppy Linux 9.5 , which is full of improvements to continue giving our older computers a second visa.

Puppy Linux 9.5

What’s new in Puppy Linux 9.5 (Fossapup64 9.5)

This new version of the lightweight distro uses the new Ubuntu 20.04 LTS as its base system, specifically the 64-bit DEB version. A series of changes and adjustments have been applied to this version of Ubuntu to ensure that the distro continues to maintain the same qualities that it has been offering for years. Being compiled using Ubuntu 20.04 DEB packages, it is compatible with the same software as this other distro. However, it also carries the problems of the Canonical distro, such as, for example, not having an official version for 32 bits.

This new version 9.5 brings with it the new Linux Kernel 5.4.53 , a relatively modern version that will guarantee the correct functioning of the distro on all types of hardware. In addition, it has a modular compilation. This means that we can quickly change kernel, firmware and applications in seconds.

The window manager included in this version is JWM, or Joe’s Window Manager. And some of the programs that we will find included and with which we can start working from the first moment are: Rox-Filer,
Hexchat, Palemoon Browser, MPV, Claws Email, Quickpet, Osmo, Abiword and Samba. Of course, they haven’t forgotten about the Puppy-specific apps, such as Pburn, PuppyPhone, Find’n’run, Take A Gif, Uextract, Packit, Dunst-config, Picom-gtk, Transtray, Janky Bluetooth, Change_kernels, JWMdesk, YASSM, Redshift and SimpleGTKradio.

Download the latest version

The new version FossaPup64 of Puppy Linux 9.5 can be downloaded for free from the following link . From here we will be able to download an ISO image of the distro, which we can burn to a CD or a USB.

Simply by booting the PC from any boot medium we will have Puppy ready to start working with it. Without a doubt, one of the best lightweight Linux to give a second life to any PC.