Como resolver rapidamente problemas comuns de Wi-Fi no Windows

Experiencing Wi-Fi problems on your Windows PC can be frustrating, especially if it disrupts your workflow. Whether the Wi-Fi icon is missing from your taskbar or you’re unable to connect to the internet, there are several steps you can take to troubleshoot and hopefully resolve the issue.

Below are some practical solutions to restore your Wi-Fi connection and get back online swiftly.

Wi-fi gratuito

Effective Ways to Fix Wi-Fi Issues in Windows

1. Reinicie o seu computador Often, a simple restart can fix a multitude of issues, including Wi-Fi connectivity problems. This can reset the system’s network functions and potentially restore any missing Wi-Fi icons or functionalities. Before delving into more complex solutions, try this straightforward fix.

2. Use Windows Troubleshooter Windows includes built-in troubleshooters that can automatically detect and fix issues. To use the troubleshooter for network problems:

  • Abra o Configurações app.
  • Navegar para Atualizações e Segurança > Resolução de problemas.
  • Selecionar Solucionadores de problemas adicionais.
  • Clique em Conexões na Internet and run the troubleshooter. This tool can identify and resolve issues related to your network settings.

3. Manage Wi-Fi Driver Faulty or outdated drivers can cause your Wi-Fi to malfunction:

  • Abra Gerenciador de dispositivos (you can search for it in the Start menu).
  • Expandir o adaptadores de rede seção.
  • Right-click on your wireless adapter and select Desativar dispositivo.
  • Wait a few seconds, then right-click again and choose Ativar dispositivo. This process can refresh your Wi-Fi driver and potentially resolve connection issues.

4. Desinstale as atualizações recentes do Windows If your Wi-Fi problems started after a recent Windows update, the update might be the cause. To uninstall a problematic update:

  • Acesse Configurações > Atualizações e Segurança > Windows Update.
  • Clique em Exibir histórico de atualizações.
  • Selecionar Desinstalar atualizações.
  • Choose the most recent update and uninstall it. This can revert any changes that may have interfered with your network connectivity.

Dicas adicionais

  • Check Your Wi-Fi Settings: Ensure that airplane mode is not enabled and that your Wi-Fi is indeed turned on through the network settings.
  • Atualize seus drivers de rede: Sometimes, simply updating your Wi-Fi driver to the latest version available from the manufacturer can solve the issue.
  • Procurar por Malware: Malware can sometimes interfere with your network connections. Running a malware scan with your antivirus software can detect and remove any malicious software affecting your system.


Wi-Fi connectivity issues can be caused by a variety of factors, but by following these steps, you can systematically address and often resolve the problem. If these solutions do not restore your Wi-Fi functionality, it might be time to consult with a professional or reach out to Microsoft suporte para mais assistência.