Play more hours without charging your laptop with this simple trick

Gaming computers are the ones with the most powerful hardware and, therefore, the ones that consume the most battery are gaming laptops. That is why we have thought to give you some tips with which you can make your computers not only last much longer connected without depending on the power source, but also to save on consumption and give a much longer life to the laptop battery . All this through very simple tips that will not cost you anything to apply.

Play more hours without charging your laptop with this simple trick

Gaming laptops have become one of the best-selling types of computers of all, they do not reach the power of their desktop equivalents, but they make up for it by taking up less space and without cable clutter. However, compared to a normal laptop, these consume much more, which affects the battery of the gaming laptop and in the long term the life of our PC. Let’s not forget that there are models that are excessively difficult to disassemble for maintenance and therefore it is important to avoid consumption peaks that also translate into heat peaks.

How to gain more battery hours on a gaming laptop?

Today all gaming laptops come with two graphics cards, one low-performance integrated in the central processor and another high-performance with its own memory that is on a separate chip. Well, for example, from the NVIDIA Control Panel, if you use a model of that brand, then you can assign whether an application runs using the integrated or dedicated graphics. Do not forget that in 99% of gaming laptops the video output is controlled by the one integrated in the processor.

Why do we say this? Well, due to the fact that if you are not running a game and you are doing a report with a classic Windows application, then it does not make sense for the dedicated graphics to be turned on, even if it is at its minimum power. Let it only be activated when it is necessary and, therefore, its power is needed, as is the case with games and certain content creation applications.

What’s more, our recommendation is to leave the integrated graphics as a global configuration and then assign the dedicated NVIDIA one to each game from the control panel of the same brand. Thus, in this way I manage to save battery power due to the fact that the gaming graphics card makes an appearance when it is really necessary.

Beware of startup and background programs

This will seem counterproductive to you, but there is no point in having Steam, Epic Games, Battle.Net and other clients open if we are not going to play their games. They are literally a resource leech and our recommendation is that you disable them from the start. Your computer will not only boot much faster, but you will have fewer processes to run. In the same way, we also recommend closing them if you are not using them.

We know that your gaming laptop is very powerful and can do anything, but spending more power and consumption negatively affects the battery of a gaming laptop. Not to mention that a rise in temperature automatically means drastic measures, which mean drops in clock speed and thus performance cuts.