Oxenfree: Mystery Game to Download on iPhone and iPad

A mystery game is quite an experience. They interfere you inside it and you get to feel one more of history. If you want to spend a night of supernatural games, with Oxenfree all your expectations will be met.

A wonderful story

Oxenfree is an adventure-thriller game in which you control Alex, a girl who along with her two friends Ren and Jonas, enter the Edwars Islands, a deserted island where hardly anyone lives anymore and which is used as of horror tourism where they meet Clarissa, the ex-girlfriend of Alex’s late brother. There, Clarissa tells them about the only remaining resident on the island.

Oxenfree: Mystery Game to Download on iPhone and iPad

The game begins on a boat in which you go to the island in search of a vacation among teenagers, to have fun and party. After a few minutes of play and a bit of exploration on the island, Alex and his friends enter a cave and while searching for a dial on their radio, they accidentally open a temporary crack, before which bodies without bodies appear. Alex tries to communicate with them, but it is impossible and she and Jonas appear under the sea without knowing where the rest are. Later they find a communication tower and find out the whereabouts of their two friends. What happens from here, it is an exceptional story with a huge plot and that we let you discover for yourself.

An excellent level

Oxenfree is a game that in various sections borders on excellence, so much so that it has been nominated for several awards as the “best narration”. Although this doesn’t just stay here. We are talking about a game that in its graphic section, is not very defined, has a design that makes it special and shine on its own. The design and care with which all the scenarios of the game are drawn, help you to enter into this adventure.

As if that were not enough, the gameplay is excellent. By controlling Alex, you will have to choose between different options during in-game conversations, pure butterfly effect. This helps you empathize with Alex and make your personality look as much as possible. Also, during the game, you will have to collect photos and cards that will take you on a journey through your own adventure. The first of these is done on the ship.

But is everything so good?

During the time we have played this game so we have found very few buts. One of them is the sound section, which is not very good, because it is based on repetitive music that can sometimes be a bit tedious for the user and that ends (as we did) by lowering the volume. If we have to accept that on certain occasions, the music, along with the suspense of the plot, help you to be more immersed in the scene, so it is an inconvenience at times, although it is not a point that tarnishes this. lovely game.

Another drawback that we have found is the obligation to have to pay € 5.49 to play it fully. Still, it is not a very high price for the hours of gameplay and the quality that this game offers you, so it is not too much either. In addition, the moment you play the introduction, you will feel the irrepressible desire to play more and more, so acquiring this game and for that affordable price will not be a problem at all.

Download Oxenfree