How to Open and Extract Files from an ISO in Windows 10

ISO files are frequently used within Windows environments. These files are especially known for being a complete duplicate or disc image that we can find on an optical disc such as DVD or Blu-ray, which can contain movies or even an operating system. These images can be opened and extracted just like a compressed file.

In the event that we have an ISO image on our computer and we want to be able to access all its content and extract it through various tools with which to carry out the work in a simple way.

Open and Extract Files from an ISO in Windows 10

Advantages offered by ISO files

The use of ISO files is especially useful because in them we can keep all their content as it is in the original state. This allows it to be widely used when sharing files, avoiding any loss of information during its transfer. It also offers advantages when it comes to installation, as it can read speeds 10 times faster than an optical drive. In addition, in the case that we work with servers or virtual machines, it will always be much easier to attach or load an image from an ISO file than to use a physical medium.

Like any other compressed file, it is possible to open and extract the different files that compose it, for this we can use programs to decompress or compress files or specialized tools in the treatment of this type of images, as we will be able to verify .

View the files of an ISO image from Windows

If we have an ISO image on our computer, it is possible to access its content directly from Windows 10, without the need to install any program. The process is very simple because we only have to locate the ISO file and right-click on it, the Windows context menu will open, where we must select the Mount option.

Once this is done, a new available unit will appear virtually created and that corresponds to this image that we have mounted and to which we can access the files that compose it.

Once we have finished working with the content of an ISO image, we must disassemble the created image. To do this, we only have to click on the virtually created drive with the right mouse button to open the Windows context menu and select 2Expulsar. “Once this is done, the virtual drive that we have created will disappear.

Programs to extract files from an ISO image

If we want to open and extract the content of an ISO image, we can do it through different programs, from compatible file compressors to programs specially developed to open and edit these types of files.

WinRAR, the most popular and ISO compliant compressor

Possibly this is one of the most popular file compression and decompression programs, currently becoming a benchmark. It is compatible with a wide variety of formats, including the ISO format, which will allow us to view its content, as well as extract it.

The process is quite simple and for this it is necessary to have WinRAR installed on our PC, if not, we can download it from this link. Once installed, we just have to right-click on the ISO image and the context menu will appear where we must choose “Open with WinRAR”.

Once this is done, the folders that contain the ISO file and all the files will appear. If we want to extract any file, all we have to do is mark it and select the “Extract in” icon, which we find in the toolbar at the top.

Next, a new window appears that will help us choose the place where we want to extract the file. Once selected, we only have to click on “Accept” and we will check how any file has been correctly extracted.

PowerISO, a powerful tool for ISO image processing

We are now talking about a powerful tool for image processing of both CD, DVD and Blu-ray discs. With it we can open, create, edit, compress, as well as extract all the files that an ISO image contains quickly and easily. It is not a free application, although we can download a trial version from its website.

Once the application is installed, we open it and its main menu will appear, which although it is in English is perfectly intuitive. Now we must in the “File” tab and later in “Open”, and the File Explorer will be opened so that we can locate the image file that we want to open. Once opened we will visualize all the files. To be able to extract any of them, we must select it and click on the “Extract” tab that we find at the top.

This will open a new window where we must select the folder icon to choose the destination path where we want the file to stay. Finally, we click on “Accept” and we check that the process has been carried out correctly.

MagicISO, edia and extract files from an ISO image

We are facing another program that will allow us to edit, create, record and extract files from an ISO image. The process, as in the previous cases, is very simple. Although to use the program permanently it is necessary to pay its license, we can choose to download its free trial version from here.

Once downloaded and installed, we proceed to execute it so that its main panel appears. Here we must select our ISO file. For this we can navigate through its file explorer located in the lower left or by clicking on the “File” tab and then on “Open”. We look for the file, select it and click on “OK”. Your folders and files will appear immediately in the central panel. To be able to extract it, just select the file and click on the “Extract” icon located at the top as seen in the image.

Next, a new window will appear where we must select the destination path where the file to be extracted will be hosted. Once selected, click on “OK”, and the file will have been successfully extracted.

Peazip, free and open source compressor compatible with ISO files

This is a multi-format and code file compressor. It stands out for incorporating a good number of functions and that it is capable of supporting more than 200 types of files, among which is the ISO format. It is a free and open source application that we can download, even in a portable version, from its website.

Once we execute the application, its main menu appears where we will use the column on the left that has an aesthetic similar to Windows File Explorer to locate and open the desired ISO image. Once opened it will show us all the files on the right side. Next, we select the file we want to extract and click on the “Extract” button located at the top.

Once this is done, a new window will appear with the selected file or files at the top. Here, in the 2Output “section, we must select the path where the extracted files will be housed. Once selected, click on” Ok “and check that the files have been extracted correctly.