Numbers You Should Never Call: Prefix Prices

Numbers You Should Never Call: Prefix Prices

By now, we all know the existence of the numbers 900, 901, 902 or 905 on the one hand or the numbers 800, 803, 806 or 807 on the other hand. However, there are many factors that we must take into account when calling one of these phones since not all of them are free or cost the same if they are not. In fact, we should never call if we do not know very well what we are doing , so we will avoid getting a good scare on the monthly telephone bill.

The National Commission of Markets and Competition, CNMC for its acronym, in an interesting exercise of pedagogy, has not explained five things that we have to know when calling by phone. The market regulator explains that the pandemic has once again put phone calls that were in decline on the map, mainly due to not being able to attend in person to carry out certain procedures. The problem is that the unlimited calls of our rate, as we told you the other day, do not usually include some of these phone numbers.


It is one of the types of telephone numbers that generates the most doubts. In fact, since last year they cannot be used in customer service . In case of doing so, the company must provide next to it an alternative geographic number that is included in the flat rate for calls. These telephones are “special rate numbers without pay for the call.” The user pays the cost of the call which is then distributed between our operator and the network operator. We must not confuse them with the 901 that are cheaper, although with identical operation.


As we’ve already explained in the introduction, not all 900s are the same. In fact, the 905s are especially controversial. They are used in televoting of television contests and a fixed amount is paid per call.


Leaving aside the 901 or 902, undoubtedly the best known premium rate numbers, we have others that deserve our attention. For example, calls to 803 will be reserved for exclusive services for adults and the cost of the call will be determined by the number after 3, that is, 803X. If that X is greater than 6, we must expressly authorize the power to call since the cost is greater than 1 euro per minute.


The same as in the previous case, but related to leisure and training services. Again, be very careful if the fourth figure is higher than 6 since we can end up paying more than 1 euro for each minute of call.


The third case applied for professional services. We insist on the fourth figure that will be the one that marks the price of the call. We may not be able to call if we have not expressly authorized our telephone company to do so.


We finish the review with the short numbers of telephone information services to the user. Although they are in decline thanks to the rise of the Internet and its ease of finding things, they still exist. Their big problem is that the rates are not regulated and it even allows the so-called “call progression” for which they will continue to charge us the same, even if they have passed us with a regional number. If we have no choice but to call, we will never accept a pass, we will write down the number, hang up and call on our own.