Mortal Kombat 1 PC Version: A Violent but Troublesome Reboot

Mortal Kombat 1 represents the revival of a timeless fighting game series, with a rich history spanning three decades. Many of you may fondly remember its early iterations on 16-bit consoles, which sent shockwaves through the gaming industry due to its extreme violence and led to the introduction of age-recommended ratings for video games in the United States. So, for that reason alone, it holds a significant place in gaming history.

Now, with a new installment, Mortal Kombat 1 sets a new direction for the franchise in the years to come.

mortal kombat

Is Your PC Facing Fatalities?

While Mortal Kombat 1 is also available on consoles, we’re going to focus on the PC version, as it seems to be causing the most trouble for players. However, it’s not due to poor performance but rather a strange issue affecting gamers with limited storage space.

Some users have reported a concerning problem in recent days – they’ve noticed that Mortal Kombat 1 is consuming free storage space progressively and uncontrollably, seemingly without reason. No additional content is being installed, and this unusual behavior occurs consistently after a game crash on the PC.

As one Twitter user, X-Azeez, pointed out, “Every time MK1 crashes on PC, it automatically creates a report and stores 1 GB of space for each report.” In other words, if Mortal Kombat 1 crashes around 25 times over a few weeks, you could find your storage capacity reduced by an equivalent amount of gigabytes.

Is There a Solution to This Issue?

Currently, NetherRealm has not acknowledged or addressed this problem, leaving users to seek their own solutions. If you are playing the game through Steam, some users have reported a workaround to free up storage space by deleting files generated after each crash or unexpected closure.

Here’s what you should do if you’re facing this issue:

  1. Access the storage drive where you have installed Mortal Kombat 1.
  2. In the search bar of the window, type “MK12.”
  3. This will open the folder where the game is installed.
  4. Navigate to the “SAVED” directory.
  5. Then enter the “STEAM” folder.
  6. Finally, access the “CRASHES” folder.
  7. Delete all the files related to crashes and unexpected closures of the game.
  8. Ensure that you have indeed freed up space by emptying the trash.

This should serve as a temporary fix until a potential patch from NetherRealm arrives to address the issue.