How to Migrate the Web from One Hosting to Another Easily

The place where we host our website is going to be essential for everything to work properly. Depending on the hosting we use, we can have better speed, more resource capacity, different functions, security … This makes it interesting to change to another sometimes. In this article we explain the process to migrate our website to another hosting . We will also explain the main reasons for this.

Why change to another hosting

Hosting is something basic for any web page. Basically it is the place where we are going to host all the content and to which the domain of our site will point. In this way, our visitors will be able to see the content, interact with the services we offer and, ultimately, be able to enter the website.

Migrate the Web from One Hosting to Another

But one hosting can be very different from another. There are some important points that you should know and know that we can improve them simply by changing the accommodation.


One of the main reasons is the price . There can be notable differences between one hosting and another. Sometimes it is convenient to change the one we have contracted for another to save a lot of money that we can take advantage of by improving other factors on our website.

Whenever we are going to hire a hosting service, it is interesting to compare the cost and the services that they offer us with other alternatives.

Improve speed

We may also get improvements in the performance of our site. Offering visitors good speed , for example, is essential. Otherwise we would lose visits and we would have problems to appear in the main search engines.

Have more space

The available space is another issue that can push us to migrate the web page to another hosting. With the passage of time we accumulate many files and this causes the available space to be consumed. Opting for another accommodation can save us from this problem.

Change storage type

We have several options for hosting our website . We can opt for a shared, dedicated or VPS server. Each of them has its advantages and also negative points. For example we can have a shared server and our site grows and we see it necessary to opt for a dedicated one. It is therefore another reason to migrate the web.

Have the content in another country

The interesting thing about SEO is that the content of a website is in the same country as the domain. It is important that it is in the place where our visitors will be. In this way, the site will work better and it will also position itself better in search engines. Changing to a hosting from another country for this reason could be another reason.

How to migrate a website to another hosting

We have explained some of the main reasons why it may be necessary or recommended to change your hosting . Now we are going to explain what we have to do to carry out this simple process.

First of all, different general points must be taken into account in the process:

  • Move files from one hosting to another
  • Bring the database to the new hosting
  • Configure the new hosting manager
  • Point the domain’s DNS to the new provider

It should be noted that if we use a content manager such as WordPress, it is easier to migrate a web page. The process is practically automatic. We are going to need to install a plugin, such as Duplicator , which is one of the most used.

Once we are in WordPress, in the hosting, we have to go to Plugins and Add new. There we look for and install Duplicator . We open it and we click Create new. We have to follow the steps that appear and what it will do is a scan of the entire installation. Then it will generate a package and an installer.php file that we will have to download.

Later we have to go to the management panel. For example it would be cPanel, as it is in our case. There we go to Databases and click on MySQL Databases .

Migrar una página web a otro hosting

We have to create a new database and a new user in the new hosting. We add that user with all the permissions, go to Files, File Manager and upload all the content and the instaler.php file. You have to upload it to the root of the server or public_html.

When we have all the content uploaded and ready, we will have to go to the path In this way we will launch the Duplicator installer. It will ask us for the data of the database, user, password and continue with the whole process.

As we can see, migrating from one hosting to another is a simple process that we can easily carry out in WordPress thanks to plugins like Duplicator. We could also carry it out manually, although the process would be more complex.