Maximize Your Xiaomi Battery Life: Activate 5G Saver Mode Now

Do you get annoyed by your Xiaomi phone losing battery juke quickly, especially if you are using 5G? This is a tip that can be used to enable you conserve power but use a fast connection without spending much. Ever wished to get an extra battery life for your Xiaomi gadget? Well, it is as easy as a push of a button, here are the steps to activate 5G battery saving mode.

xiaomi 14 5g

Why is 5G so unkind to your battery life?

new generation, the 5G is coming up with such incredible features of higher speed and connectivity reception it is characterized with high battery consumption than the 4G. This is quite noticeable in places with low 5G signal reception or where one does not require the maximum data transfer rate. If you want to disable 5G completely, the battery saving mode of Xiaomi has the feature to tune the phone in power saving mode.

In the Hyper operating system there exists a tool known as the 5G Battery Saver.

It is quite easy to activate this 5G battery saver mode, if you using Xiaomi phone that is based on HyperOS. Here’s how:

Go to Settings: On the application open the phone’s setting menu.

Select Battery: Go to the Battery setting section.

Additional Features: By this, a corresponding page of the software will open with a list of additional features to include in the WBS.

Activate 5G Battery Saver: This will turn on the 5G Battery Saver mode: You can switch it on by moving the slider to the On position.

Steps for MIUI Users

For Xiaomi phones running MIUI, the process is just as simple:For Xiaomi phones running MIUI, the process is just as simple:

Go to Settings: On the main screen of your or any phone you are using, find the settings icon, usually in the bottom and tap on it.

Battery and Performance: Scroll down until you find Battery and performance and click on it.

Settings Wheel: Go to the icon, which is in the top right corner and click the wheel.

Battery Saver: Where is this option? You need to locate the Battery Saver feature and turn it on.

Enjoy the Benefits

Every time your phone is turned on once, it is taken through an automatic optimization process between 4G and 5G thus extending the phone battery’s lifespan without having to control the tab manually. This means that you can achieve 5G capability whenever you need it but always consume the least power when the high speed is not needed.

Additional Battery Saving Tips

To maximize battery life even further, consider these additional tips:To maximize battery life even further, consider these additional tips:

Deactivate Unused Connections: This should turn off the WI-FI, Bluetooth and GPS when not in use and thus save battery power.

Adjust Brightness: Reduce your brightness level or use auto brightness settings on your phone screen.

Remove Unnecessary Apps: Delete apps that you don’t need; apps and games that you rarely use.

Close Background Apps: Make non-active applications closed before beginning to work on other tasks.

Along with the proposed techniques, the usage of the 5G battery saver mode will allow you to charge your phone’s battery for even greater periods of time. One might even shift from charging ones phone 3-4 times a day to charging it only once in a day.