Mass Effect Legendary Edition, New Edition Remastered in 4K

There are still a few months to go, but during the spring of 2021 Mass Effect:  Legendary Edition will arrive  , a new edition that will bring 4K graphics, better effects and even some extra extras and yes, all the DLC published to date.

Mass Effect Legendary Edition

Mass Effect Legendary Edition

BioWare has announced a new edition of one of its most important titles in recent years, a great game that we strongly recommend that you play if you have not already done so. Mass Effect Legendary Edition  is the name of this reissue that will come with a load of news to, above all, begin to squeeze the new hardware from next-generation consoles.

In this way, this legendary edition will introduce remastered graphics at 4K resolution and improvements that will affect both the modeling of the characters and the effects themselves that apply throughout the game. Although it will not be the only thing, another of the great attractions of this edition is that it will include the first three installments of the title and all its DLC. Yes, each and every additional downloadable content that has been released since the game was first published.

All these improvements as we have said will be present in the current consoles, from the PS4 to the Xbox One and PC. Although it will be the new owners of a PS5 or Xbox Series X who will enjoy some specific improvements that their new hardware offers.

Commander Shepard is back, there will be a new Mass Effect

Mass Effect was originally launched in 2007 and proposed a game where both the role-playing and action genre were very well mixed. That combination was the one that made millions of players around the world discover a very attractive proposal and of which there were later two more installments. In 2010 came the first and two years later the third.

Since then, fans have asked for a remastering that would improve the title graphically and allow them to return to enjoy the adventures of Commander Shepard in higher quality. Considering that during the years of PS4 and Xbox One we had seen numerous remasters it did not seem at all a crazy request.

However, that remastering did not come and all the fans got was a rather disappointing new installment compared to the previous ones. Mass Effect: Andromeda did not manage to conquer in the same way as the three previous titles. That’s why the news of the remastering is important. Because not only will it give what it asked for, but it will also serve as an advance for a new delivery that will come later.

Yes, there will be a new Mass Effect and this time it will be developed by what BioWare has defined as a veteran group. Of course, there are hardly any details, because it is in its early stages , but just knowing that it is there is more than enough reason to be excited about what they can achieve thanks to the new consoles and hardware available for PC.

So, for now we are left with the pleasant news of the legendary edition and that caramelito that they have just put in front of us with the announcement of a future new installment.