Make Windows 10 Faster by Freeing up RAM

Many users have modern computers running Windows 10 and their corresponding applications to get the most out of the system itself. However, to achieve this, various factors come into play, such as the components of the equipment, the configuration of Windows itself, or the use of the most appropriate applications. If all this is taken care of, the day-to-day experience with the PC will be more than acceptable.

But unfortunately this is not always the case, since not everyone has the latest hardware. In fact there are some who have to use their knowledge, or even the picaresque, to be able to work in the best way with their team. As many of you may know first-hand, one of the elements that it includes the most, along with the installed processor, is the RAM that we can count on.

free up ram windows

RAM is a basic element in the functioning of the PC

As some of you may already know first hand, having to use a slow computer every day can turn into a nightmare. Sometimes, more than we would like, it seems that when we are in a hurry to do something, the computer goes slower than ever. At the same time, it must be borne in mind that we are increasingly using more powerful applications, whether they are recreational or professional . That is why the requirements are increasing, which directly affects the fluidity of the system in general.

Well, as many of you have possibly checked on occasion, one of the possible reasons why computers run slower is because of RAM . Specifically, in most cases we will find that our computer does not have enough RAM to run open programs optimally. Here we talk about what is known as random access memory that is used to run all Windows applications and processes efficiently.

That is why when the team as such can no longer use it because we have consumed it in its entirety, the problems begin. This is something that is especially evident in somewhat outdated equipment, or limited in terms of internal specifications. As it is easy to assume, one of the solutions for this and thus solve the problems of the equipment, is adding more RAM. But of course, this is not always possible, so we can try to carry out some tricks to save memory in this regard.

Tips and tricks to save RAM on Windows

As usual in most of the problems that we find in Windows 10, one of the most popular solutions is to restart the computer itself. More if we have a large number of applications running at that time. In this way what we achieve is to automatically close all the programs and when the PC restarts, it only starts the startup programs. Keep in mind that this excessive consumption of RAM comes from programs that we do not need and that are running in the background.

Therefore, at this point, to save RAM memory, we recommend that you eliminate these unnecessary programs and thus delete their associated processes running in the background in Windows. For this we can locate ourselves in the Windows Configuration application through the combination of Win + I keys, and click on Applications . Here we will already have the possibility of eliminating everything we don’t need. Thus, in addition to saving RAM on a daily basis, we save space on disk drives .

The “danger” of antivirus

But not only these applications installed by ourselves are those that may be consuming resources in the background. We tell you this because even though we have an antivirus on the computer, certain malware and malicious programs may be running there. Therefore we recommend that you carry out an in-depth analysis of the computer with the antivirus updated to its latest version. And it is that these malicious codes in the background can be a very serious cause of that excessive consumption of RAM.

Speaking of antivirus software, we will say that despite their enormous usefulness on many occasions, these security programs in many cases also consume a lot of memory. In addition, they are usually protecting our data in real time, which directly affects the operation of the equipment.

Say that these antivirus are known to use a lot of resources , especially when they are running a scan by themselves. This means that the computer suddenly becomes very slow consuming a lot of RAM. Therefore, when the time is right, it is best to check if the antivirus is running, for example from Task Manager. If so, we can stop it until we finish what we are doing, or even disable it.

Task Manager helps us save RAM memory

Now we are going to focus on a useful tool implemented in the operating system itself, that is none other than the mentioned Task Manager. This is an element that helps us in a good number of tasks, for example to monitor the use of RAM. Therefore, to access this section that we are talking about, we can do it through the key combination Ctrl + Shift + Esc.

Once in the new window that appears, we have to click on the Processes window to see those that use the most RAM at that moment. At the same time we recommend that you click with the mouse on the heading of the Memory column to classify these processes based on the amount of memory they use. In this way we have the possibility of locating those that we do not know from the list to delete them if they consume heavily. We achieve this by just right-clicking and clicking End Task.

It is also worth knowing that from this same section we also have the possibility of reducing the number of programs that will run at startup. This means that we can manage the applications that will be launched when Windows starts . The fewer they are, the more RAM memory we will have available for other purposes. This is something that we can also manage from the Task Manager, specifically from the Home tab.

Thus, from here we will only have to right- click on those programs that we want to disable.