Android Auto の音質を向上させる方法: ドライバーズ ガイド

Android Auto has become a staple for drivers looking to integrate their smartphones seamlessly with their vehicle’s infotainment system. While it offers a host of functionalities designed to make driving safer and more enjoyable, users sometimes face challenges with sound quality.

If you’re experiencing audio issues with Android Auto, here are some practical tips to help you enhance sound quality and enjoy a smoother audio experience during your drives.


1. 有線接続を選択する

Though Bluetooth is convenient for connecting devices wirelessly, it can sometimes lead to connectivity issues and audio quality loss. To ensure the best sound quality, consider using a USB cable to connect your smartphone to your car. This direct connection reduces the risk of interference and data loss, providing a stable and clear audio transmission.

2. Download Music and Podcasts

ネットワーク instability can greatly affect streaming quality, especially in areas with poor reception like tunnels or remote locations. To avoid interruptions and maintain high-quality audio playback, download your music and podcasts before your trip. This ensures that you can continue enjoying your audio content without dependency on mobile data.

3. Fine-Tune Your App Settings

Different media playback apps often come with various settings that can enhance your listening experience. Spend some time exploring the audio settings in your preferred apps. Many apps offer options like equalizers, audio effects, and different playback modes that can significantly improve sound quality when adjusted to suit your preferences.

4. Disable Dolby Atmos

While Dolby Atmos is designed to enrich audio quality on compatible devices, it is not supported by Android Auto and can sometimes cause sound distortions when enabled. If you’re noticing poor sound quality or distortions, check if Dolby Atmos is activated on your smartphone and consider disabling it while connected to Android Auto. This can eliminate unnecessary processing and improve the audio output.


By implementing these straightforward adjustments, you can dramatically improve your Android Auto sound quality. Whether it’s opting for a reliable wired connection, downloading content for offline playback, adjusting your app settings, or disabling incompatible features like Dolby Atmos, each step helps tailor the audio experience to your needs, making every journey more enjoyable.

Taking control of these aspects ensures that your focus remains on the road while you enjoy your favorite tunes or podcasts with clarity and consistency, enhancing both your drive time and overall experience with Android Auto.