How to Install Windows 10 on an iPhone

On many occasions, developers surprise us with works that turn upside down the established norms. This time it has been possible to work the miracle of running Windows 10 on an iPhone, with all the functions fully operational and without the need for jailbreak or other piracy. What seems impossible has been carried out on an iPhone X, although the way in which the Microsoft system runs is not as expected.

A virtual machine allows you to run one operating system on a different one, usually as part of a development job. However, many times this work goes far beyond and is placed in the hands of all users. These virtual machines normally run on virtual computers, allowing, for example, a Windows PC to test Android applications.

windows on iphone

Windows 10 on an iPhone

Now UTM is born, an application that runs the Windows and Linux operating system on an iPhone or iPad. The developers have worked hard so that in addition to starting the operating system, it can run all kinds of applications including the file explorer. However, and as we will see below, it is something more symbolic and in the right direction, than the real possibility of working in this environment inside an iPhone.

windows 10 en el iphone x

Possible but with patience

Those created indicate that it is not necessary to jailbreak to run Windows 10 on the iPhone. The test has been conducted on an iPhone X, revealing that wait times still need to be improved. In this terminal it takes approximately 20 minutes to get the operating system to start and it takes several seconds for a basic application to open. The installation of the operating system took approximately two hours. Installation on a conventional PC takes approximately 20 minutes, while the system starts in seconds.

Can we install it ourselves?

The developer has indicated that although testing has been done on an iPhone X, it is possible that this performance will improve significantly on the new iPhone 11 and future generations. In addition, we can also test Windows 10 ourselves on our iPhone, as long as we have enough time and patience to try it. The first step is to download AltStore and add the source Then we install UTM and proceed to download the Windows 10 ISO image. Once done we can already experience the Microsoft operating system on our device. As it is a development under test, it is recommended to save our data before proceeding with the installation.
