How to Improve the Performance of Your Xiaomi Without Resetting it

In this practical tutorial we are not going to talk about how to eliminate Xiaomi‘s performance problems, but about how to improve it, which are very different things. And it is that, with the passage of time, it is normal that your phone does not work as the first day but there is a way to “almost achieve it” without having to restore the device from the factory.

Improve the Performance of Your Xiaomi Without Resetting it

It is common that when we spend a lot of time using our mobile, we see that some apps open slower or that the system freezes and sometimes does not work completely correctly. It is also likely that after applying an update the smartphone will stop working as before and we will see how the user experience is slightly weighed down.

potencia velocidad xiaomi poco

There will be those who think that a factory reset would suit the mobile very well and would not lack reason. However, before going through this process that involves the loss of mobile data, we can work in another way. There is a MIUI trick that allows us to improve the performance of our Xiaomi almost instantly.

Deleting data from Xiaomi launcher

In the Xiaomi forum they have realized that many of the problems that appear on Xiaomi phones after applying an update have to do with the interface and, above all, with its behavior. Well, the person in charge of controlling this is Xiaomi’s own launcher , which is why we can try to improve the performance of the mobile by acting on this app.

The launcher or launcher is the app from which we can make the mobile work. He is in charge of icons, animations, wallpapers, fonts and everything that has to do with the user interface. What we intend to do next is “restart” it.

To do this, we must locate the app from the settings menu of our Xiaomi mobile, accessing the applications menu and, once inside, entering the Manage applications menu.

launcher 1

Here we must locate the System Launcher, also identified as Launcher according to the version of MIUI you have installed. The first thing we are going to do is click on the Clear Data button, as shown in the following image, and execute the “Clear cache” option.

launcher 2

After doing so, go back to the home screen and use your phone for a few minutes to see if the experience has improved. If not, repeat the previous steps but, instead of “Clear Cache”, also click on the “Clear all data” button.

This will completely restart your Xiaomi launcher to eliminate possible errors inherited over time or applied after installing an update.

Install the latest Xiaomi launcher

If the failures persist, before fully restoring your Xiaomi you can also try to install the latest version of the launcher as APK, which eliminates practically 100% of the failures: the most recent version is MIUI Alpha Launcher V4.20.0.2215-08071825 and you can download it from this link .

Source>My community