How to unsubscribe and register PlayStation Plus: steps to follow and FAQ

unsubscribe and register PlayStation Plus

PlayStation Plus is a paid subscription service that appeared near the end of the PS3 life cycle. Although it initially offered just a few games each month, this Sony service has become a basic subscription if you want to get the most out of PlayStation consoles. However, if you are going to keep your console off for a few months or you are not going to play online, we will tell you how you can quickly unsubscribe.

How to cancel PlayStation Plus

Unsubscribing from PlayStation Plus is a fairly quick and easy process . Sony is quite transparent in this regard and they will not apply penalties or surcharges as they do in some other services on the market beyond the sphere of video games.

You can carry out this process from a browser or from your own console .

From a browser

  1. Log in with your account on the Sony website. Go to the account management section.
  2. Click Subscription in the sidebar of the page.
  3. Click ” Stop Auto Renewal ” in the PlayStation Plus section. With this, you will stop having access to the service when the last period you have paid ends and the receipt will not be sent to you the following month.

From PlayStation 4 or PlayStation 5

Doing the process on your computer is quick, but if you don’t remember your PSN password it can be a real hassle. Luckily, there are ways to do the procedure from the console itself .

  1. Go to Settings and select Users and Accounts .
  2. Select Accounts , Subscriptions and Payments , navigate to Subscriptions and enter PlayStation Plus .
  3. You will get a screen where you can extend the subscription or stop the automatic renewal . By clicking on this second point, you will have canceled your subscription for the next month.

What happens if I cancel my PS Plus plan?

All subscription content that you downloaded to your console during the period in which you paid for PlayStation Plus will no longer be available and you will not be able to use it. In other words, all those games that you downloaded for free and with which you expanded your virtual library will no longer be available.

You will no longer have access to online multiplayer . You will lose the possibility of downloading the games that are offered each month on the platform. You will also not be able to take advantage of the discounts when buying in the store and you will no longer have the possibility to store your games online.

Will I lose my saves?

Not necessarily , although there are exceptions. In the vast majority of cases, the games you have downloaded from PlayStation Plus will remain locked on your console until you decide to pay for the subscription again.

What you will lose is the automatic game saving service in the cloud . PlayStation Plus offers a 100 GB cloud per user that will no longer be available from the moment you decide to cancel the renewal.

But this does not mean that it is impossible for you to lose your games . If your console crashes or if you are forced to perform a process to restore the console software to factory state, you may lose your games. It is possible to back up your games by hand, but remember that there are video games that do not allow you to copy the game to an external storage (such as a USB pendrive). This restriction exists in some video games because some players could load the games on a computer and edit them. By doing so, they could illegally take advantage of other players, especially in online or competitive games.

How to activate PlayStation Plus

Devolucion PlayStation Plus

If, on the other hand, what you need is to sign up for PlayStation Plus again or it is your first time, Sony also makes it quite easy for you to carry out the procedure.

Re-enlist PlayStation Plus

If you have been absent for only a few months, reactivating the service is as simple as going to the same section you entered to request cancellation and request activation again.

You can do it both from your computer using a browser and from your PS4 or PS5 console . You must follow the same steps that we have explained in the section “How to unsubscribe from PlayStation Plus” and click on the corresponding section.

Activate PlayStation Plus for the first time

Option A: Add a payment method (Card, Paypal …)

From the browser

  1. Go to the PlayStation Store website and log in with your account.
  2. Go to ID Online , Payment Management and add a new payment method . The options available in Spain are:
    – Visa
    – MasterCard
    – American Express
    – Operators: Orange and Movistar
    – Paypal
    – Paysafecard
  3. Enter your payment details .
  4. Add it as the default payment method if you want the service to renew automatically.
  5. On your console, go to the PlayStation Store and purchase a PlayStation Plus subscription.

From PS4 and PS5

  1. Access the Settings menu and go to Users and Accounts .
  2. Inside Account go to Payment and Subscriptions . Enter Payment Methods .
  3. Add your data and make the method default if you wish.
  4. Access the PlayStation Store application and buy your subscription .

Option B: Using a PlayStation Store credit card

If, on the other hand, you prefer to make use of PlayStation gift cards , the procedure is also very simple. There are cards of 10, 20 and 50 euros, which can be exchanged in the Sony store. They are used both to buy the PlayStation Plus service and to purchase games and applications from the PlayStation Store.

You can buy the codes online or in any physical store. The procedure to redeem the code is as follows:

Web navigator:

  1. Go to the PlayStation Store website and click on your avatar.
  2. Click on Redeem Codes again .
  3. Enter the code and press Redeem .
  4. The credit will automatically be added to your PlayStation account.

From PS4

  1. Enter the PlayStation Store app.
  2. In the sidebar , enter Redeem Codes .
  3. Enter the code you have purchased and then click Redeem .
  4. The balance will be added to your account.

From PS5

  1. Go to Settings and then Users and Accounts .
  2. Enter Accounts , Payment and Subscriptions and finally Redeem Codes .
  3. Write the code and accept the dialogue to finish.

Once you have your balance in your account, enter the PlayStation Store application and buy the service as if it were just another game.

Option C: Using a PlayStation Plus Gift card

There are also 1-month, 3-month and 1-year PlayStation Plus subscription cards that you can buy in many supermarkets, electronics stores and websites.

They are activated both on the computer and on the console following the same steps that we have explained in the previous point.