How to Recover Deleted WhatsApp Messages: Tips and Tools

WhatsApp, the globally popular messaging app, has revolutionized the way we communicate, offering features that allow users to delete sent messages, thereby providing a chance to retract statements or correct mistakes. However, if you’re on the receiving end, you might wonder what the deleted message contained.

Fortunately, there are a few tricks and tools that can help you view deleted WhatsApp messages.

undelete whatsapp message

How to View Deleted WhatsApp Messages

1. Using Android Notification History

One of the simplest ways to read deleted messages is through your Android device’s notification history. This feature keeps a log of all your notifications, including those from WhatsApp:

  • Enable Notification History: Go to ‘Settings’ on your Android phone, select ‘Notifications’, and then tap on ‘Notification History’. Toggle it on to activate this feature.
  • Access Deleted Messages: When a WhatsApp message is deleted, it might still be visible in the notification log. Simply open the Notification History to view the details of the notifications received, including those of deleted WhatsApp messages.

2. Third-Party Apps: WAMR

WAMR (WhatsApp Message Recovery) is a third-party application widely used for recovering deleted messages not just from WhatsApp, but also from other social platforms like Messenger, Instagram, Telegram, and Snapchat.

  • Installation and Setup: Download WAMR from the Google Play Store. After installation, you’ll need to grant the app permission to access your notifications. This is how it captures incoming messages, which it then saves, allowing you to view them even if they’re deleted from WhatsApp.
  • How It Works: WAMR works by monitoring notifications. When a message arrives, WAMR saves it. If the message is deleted before you see it, you can still access it via WAMR. Note that WAMR can only save messages while it is installed and active; it cannot retrieve messages deleted before it was set up.
  • Privacy and Limitations: The app does not have direct access to WhatsApp data or encrypted messages. It functions by reading notifications only. Additionally, it may not always save files like images or videos, especially if they were not fully downloaded before being deleted. WAMR is ad-supported, and there is no premium version available to eliminate ads.

Tips for Using These Tools

  • Check Legal Implications: Before using third-party apps to read deleted messages, consider the privacy and ethical implications. Ensure that your actions comply with local laws and respect others’ privacy.
  • Backup Regularly: Regular backups can prevent the loss of important messages. WhatsApp allows you to backup your chats to Google Drive, ensuring that you have a fallback if messages are deleted.
  • Security First: Be cautious when granting any third-party app access to your notifications or other sensitive data. Always use apps from reputable developers and check reviews and permissions requested by the app.


While WhatsApp’s delete feature adds a layer of flexibility to digital conversations, the ability to view deleted messages can sometimes be crucial, whether for personal reasons or important information retrieval. Using Android’s built-in notification history is a straightforward method, while apps like WAMR provide a more comprehensive solution at the cost of dealing with ads. Always use these tools responsibly and with respect for privacy norms.