How to Link Xiaomi Mi Band 4 on iPhone

Although the entire Xiaomi mobile ecosystem is logically linked to the Android operating system, the Mi Band 4 makes no distinctions and is also compatible with Apple‘s iPhone . But it was not always the case, since the first Mi Band reached the market in limited compatibility with Android only, although it was later updated to allow synchronization with iOS.

Within the technical requirements of this popular wearable, we find that the Mi Band 4 will only be compatible with mobiles with iOS operating system from version 4.4 . This means that the Mi Band 4 can work from the iPhone 5S or iPhone 6 veterans and even the iPhone SE. It goes without saying that models with more modern versions such as iOS 12 or iOS 13 are also compatible.


How to link the bracelet

The method to link the Mi Band 4 with an iPhone is very similar and is done almost at the same time as for iPhone. In addition, once linked the bracelet, it will change its language and date to the same that we have on our device, as it happens in Android. This is a plus for those who save by buying the cheapest bracelet on a portal that brings it from China.

Download Mi Fit for iPhone on the App Store

The first thing we have to do is download the Mi Fit application from the App Store . Once downloaded, we run the app and log in. We can choose between several options, including Facebook, Google or a Xiaomi account. Once inside the application click on the “+” symbol in the upper right to add the bracelet to the gadgets linked in the application and click on Bracelet.

Then we will have to accept the warning that tells us that information related to sleep or heart rate will be collected by the device. The application will now look for the bracelet. Once found, we will have to click on the “Accept” button on the bracelet itself and the linkage will have been carried out successfully.

Once done we can start using this wearable and all data will be registered and saved by Mi Fit. If there is a problem in the future, we can always perform the steps in the opposite direction to solve them, that is, unlink the Mi Band 4 from our mobile.