How to hide inappropriate videos on YouTube from your children

It could be said that the video portal owned by Google, YouTube , is one of the main references in this sector. In addition, the content available to everyone does not stop growing minute by minute. Of course, not all the videos that are uploaded to the platform are suitable for users of all ages.

Surely most of you already know first-hand that the video content that we can find on Google’s streaming portal covers almost all topics. As long as you respect the web use policies, we can publish them. However, despite all this, there are certain contents that are not suitable for minors. Let’s start from the assumption that practically all regular Internet users, including children, view content here.

hide inappropriate videos on YouTube from your children

From then on, it is the parents themselves who must take the necessary precautions to prevent their children from accessing certain videos that were initially not allowed. In this way, instead of giving total freedom to all YouTube content to our children, we can limit access to certain videos that are not allowed or suitable for them. This is something that we can do in different ways, for example, through a parental control application that we install. In the event that we do not want to complicate ourselves too much, we must bear in mind that the Google platform itself offers us an interesting function in this regard.

Precisely below we are going to show you how to activate this feature of the platform in order to hide videos that are not allowed from minors in the house.

Activate Restricted Mode on YouTube

With this, what we want to tell you is that, if we have children who access the video portal from our computer, for example, there is a very simple function to hide certain inappropriate content . In this way, when minors access YouTube from the corresponding web browser, they will only see videos suitable for them on the screen. It is the platform itself that is in charge of automatically hiding everything that is considered inappropriate for minors.

It is worth mentioning that all this is achieved through a function called Restricted Mode that the online service itself provides us. Of course, we must bear in mind that by default this is a function that we find disabled, as expected. Therefore, to put this feature we are talking about into operation, once we have accessed YouTube, all we have to do is click on the icon of our profile that is located in the upper right corner of the screen.

At that moment, a good number of options will appear available to customize and configure our video portal account. Among these we find the commented Restricted mode that by default will appear as disabled . Therefore, we only have to click on it to put it into operation. From then on, videos not allowed for minors will be automatically hidden. In the event that we want to see these again, we only have to carry out the same steps.