Google Maps vs. Waze: Which GPS App Consumes Less Battery on Your Phone?

When it comes to GPS navigation applications, one of the key concerns for mobile users is battery consumption. Both Google Maps and Waze are popular choices for getting directions, but if you’re looking to conserve your phone’s battery life, you might be wondering which of these apps is the better choice.

Battery Drain During Active Use

comsuming battery

During our tests with the screen on during a car trip, we found that both Google Maps and Waze consume a similar amount of battery. While both apps are optimized to be more energy-efficient, it’s inevitable that GPS navigation, screen usage, and data transmission will have some impact on your battery life. Fortunately, today’s apps are much better at managing this than their earlier counterparts.

Screen-Off Battery Consumption

When your phone’s screen is off, Google Maps tends to consume less battery compared to Waze. The primary reason for this difference lies in how the two apps function. Waze is known for its social features, such as real-time traffic updates and user reporting. These features require continuous sharing of location data and information with other users, which can consume more energy even when the app is running in the background. In contrast, Google Maps focuses more on navigation and uses less power when idle.

Consider Specific App Versions and Usage Patterns

Google maps drains cell phone battery

It’s worth noting that the battery consumption of these apps can vary depending on the specific app version you’re using. Poorly optimized versions may drain your battery faster, so keeping your apps up-to-date is essential.

Additionally, your usage patterns and settings can influence battery life. Here are some tips to help you reduce battery consumption with both Google Maps and Waze:

  • Update the App: Ensure that you’re using the latest version of the app to benefit from performance improvements and bug fixes.
  • Clear Cache: Periodically clearing the cache in the app settings can help improve performance and reduce data usage.
  • Dark Mode: Use dark mode when driving at night to reduce screen power consumption.
  • Offline Maps: Download offline maps for your frequently visited areas to reduce data usage and reliance on a data connection.
  • Battery Saving Mode: Check if your GPS app offers a battery-saving mode. For example, Waze on Android has a battery-saving mode that dims the screen during long journeys without turns.

By following these tips and understanding the differences between Google Maps and Waze in terms of battery consumption, you can choose the app that best suits your needs without worrying about running out of battery on your journeys.