Fix error 0x800700DF on Windows: File size exceeds allowed limit

From time to time it is possible that a Windows error appears while we are in the day to day with our computer. It may be a serious error, but it is more likely that we will suffer from an error that is easy to solve, such as the 0x800700DF error, one of the most common that we can see (and suffer) .

This error is related to the transfer of files in Windows between two storage devices (such as hard drives or USB sticks). This error does not have to be related to the space of the receiving device , because even if it has plenty, we can suffer it in the same way. In recent years, the error has become more frequent because each time the files that we usually move have a greater capacity, but right below we will give you the solutions that you must take into account to avoid this annoying error.

Fix error 0x800700DF on Windows

Check registry settings

The simplest way and which, as a general rule, is usually sufficient, we will find it by accessing the Windows registry. This is because there is a file inside the registry that sets a limit to the number of data that can be exchanged at one time. Accessing the Windows registry can be confusing if you’re new to the operating system, but following these steps should be fine.

  • Press the key combination Windows + R
    • A window will open for us. We will write in it “regedit” and press OK
  • In the new window, we will have to look at the right side and look for HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE
    • We will double click on the icon
  • Click on System and then on Web Client
  • Inside this folder we will go to Parameters
  • Now on the right hand side we will look for the FileSizeLimitinBytes file. Click on it
  • A window will appear as you can see in the photo below
  • We will have to have the hexadecimal value 2faf080 , and 50000000 in decimal
    • If any of the two values that appear are different, change them to these

Windows’ register.

Once we finish this process we must restart the computer . As we said above, this should make your 0x800700DF error go away, so you’ll need to try the same file transfer that gave you that error again to test if it’s fixed.

Change the file system of your storage

The previous scenario that we showed you can affect the transfer of any type of file, regardless of its size. However, it can happen that we suffer this type of error 0x800700DF because the size of the file that we are trying to transfer is too large. This usually happens because by default hard drives usually use the FAT32 format, which only supports file transfers up to 4 GB .

The solution that we can give on this occasion is to change the file system of the receiving disk of the file. The new system that we would give you would be called NTFS, and this supports file transfers up to 16 GB. The only problem is that to change the format we need to format the hard disk or the disk partition where we are going to transfer the file, so it is essential that before doing so we make a backup copy so as not to lose any type of information. Be very careful not to format the partition where you have Windows installed, as this would be a bigger problem.

A hard drive with the NTFS system.

The process to change the system to a disk or a partition is really simple, and for this you only have to follow the following steps:

  • Open Windows Explorer
  • Find the hard drive or partition where you want to transfer the file
  • Click on it with the right button and click on Format
  • Within the menu that appears we must change FAT32 for NTFS
  • Give it the name you want and format it

Depending on the type of hard drive and its size, this process may take a long time . Once finished, a message will appear on the screen indicating that the process has finished, but we recommend that you restart your computer before trying to transfer the file again. With these two solutions you should shelve the annoying error 0x800700DF forever.