Crypto Notepad: Protect personal notes with strong passwords

Security is one of the sections that users are most aware of at the moment, more since we handle sensitive information on our PCs . You have to keep in mind that right now from Windows we carry out all kinds of tasks and work with many confidential files.

Whether personal or more professional, the privacy and security of the files and folders we handle today on our computers, is more important than ever. That is why most of us already choose to use security solutions in the form of specific programs. No need to talk about the popular antivirus, fundamental software on any computer. For example in Windows 10 we can opt for the option that already comes by default, Windows Defender, or some other third party.

At the same time and in parallel, many use other more concrete programs to protect their data. Not to mention everything that web browsers offer us today in order to protect us, which is not a small thing. We must bear in mind that these programs are what make a “bridge” so that we can access all the vastness of the Internet, both good and bad.

crypto notepad interfaz de usuario

Well, in these lines we will focus on a free and open source application that has just been updated and improved recently. This is Crypto Notepad , a software that focuses on allowing us to create protected personal notes and texts. In this way, what we achieve is that what those text files contain is not accessible to anyone other than ourselves.

Encrypt and protect your personal notes with Crypto Notepad

This is achieved thanks to the encryption and password protection system used by the application as such. Say that in case you are interested, this is a program that you can download from here . For all this it is an application that will be of great help when it comes to protecting certain personal documents that we do not want available to anyone.

To say that it is a portable proposal that does not require any installation, also with a very affordable and simple user interface. Thus, as soon as we execute the program as such, we find a window in which we can now type the new text to be protected. In the same way we can paste any other generated with another editor so that we can benefit from the security that Crypto Notepad offers us.

At the same time we have several parameters to customize and adjust to our needs. That is the case of the encryption method that the program will use, for example. This is something that we access through the Tools / Settings / Encryption menu, where we can select the encryption method to use with this document. Similarly, for greater security, the program presents its own function for creating strong and secure passwords .

We will find this function in the Tools / Password generator menu, keys that will help us to protect our documents in the safest way. Therefore, if we want to protect our personal texts from curious, this is a very interesting proposal.