Cheap smart plugs: Are they a good idea?

One of the first devices that we usually buy when we start to automate the house are smart plugs . There are many models available, they are not expensive and can be very useful. Now, is it a good idea to buy the cheapest models or can they cause a problem? In this article we are going to talk about it. We are going to explain how these little gadgets work and what can happen if you don’t buy a good one.

Cheap Wi-Fi plugs can be a problem

Cheap smart plugs

If you do a search on the Internet or go to any physical store where these devices are sold, you will surely find many models. You can see that the price difference can even become more than significant. That may invite you to opt for a cheap plug that you see on the Internet, but be careful that it may not meet your expectations.

The problem with using cheap, poor quality Wi-Fi plugs is that in many cases they are not really going to be useful. Why do we say this? For example, they may have a built-in consumption meter but admit very little power. If you need to measure the consumption of an appliance that has a large consumption, such as an oven or a dishwasher, it will not work. It could even overheat and cause major problems in those appliances.

Another key point is functionality . Maybe you’re using a smart plug that you found on the internet for cheap, but it doesn’t really have the features you’d like it to have. It may not allow you to control devices remotely or be very limited. It could even fail to connect to the Wi-Fi network.

But without a doubt one more factor that you should take into account is the useful life . It is logical to think that a somewhat more expensive device is going to be of higher quality. At least on paper it should be like that. If you are looking for something durable, that works well and does not break down easily, you should purchase a guaranteed product.

Quality in a smart plug is important

On the other hand, if you opt for a good smart plug, you will see that it admits more power and that means that you will be able to connect devices that consume more. For example, you can connect an oven without problems and be able to activate it remotely so that it starts preheating.

You will also see that it has more functions and you will be able to get the most out of this technology. Very useful nowadays, when home automation is being so important. You will be able to schedule tasks, decide when to turn an appliance on or off, etc. You can achieve all this simply by purchasing a device that has good features.

So which smart plug should you buy? Our advice is that you take a good look at the technical specifications, that you review the comments of other users and you can see if the one you are going to buy really suits you or it is better that you go to a superior product. We can give you some interesting options:

In short, as you can see, there can be many differences between a cheap smart plug and a higher quality one, at least when it comes to its functionality and making the most of it. Check carefully which one you are going to buy and always choose a good option.