The Best Widgets to Control CPU and RAM in Windows 10

In most cases, one of the objectives we have when working with a Windows-based PC is to get the most out of it. For this, it is often advisable to have performance data available at all times. Well, some widgets for the system will be very helpful.

This is precisely what we want to talk about in these same lines. And it is more than likely that more than one will miss the legendary Windows 7 desktop gadgets. For those of you who do not know what we are talking about, we will tell you that these are small tools that allow us to add a series of widgets to the desk. They were always present in it and this served a multitude of tasks.

 Best Widgets to Control CPU and RAM

Gadget utility in Windows

Thanks to these elements that we are talking about, we had the possibility of always having the time, the calendar, the weather, or even the status of the PC hardware in view. The latter is precisely what we want to talk about in these lines. Specifically, we refer to the ability to see CPU and RAM consumption at all times, for example. Obviously, for all this to be useful, this information has to be carried out in real time.

But unfortunately, natively at least, these gadgets are now dead. The reason for this is that after the appearance of Windows , Microsoft decided that they were no longer needed. However, many continue to miss them, so we can always use alternative solutions, as we will see.

In this way and among many other utilities, we can have at our disposal some widgets or gadgets to control the use of CPU and RAM memory at all times. This is something that will be useful in many cases, for example to optimize the use of very demanding games or programs in Windows. Therefore we are going to see how you can make use of these elements in the best way and already in the latest version of the Redmond system.

CPU and RAM gadgets from Windows itself

It is more than likely that many of you already know from the outset the so-called Game bar that Windows 10 itself includes. Well, little by little the Redmond company has been improving it.

From it we can carry out a good number of actions, many related to the world of video games. But at the same time this is an element that allows us to have a gadget for monitoring the consumption of PC resources . Actually we refer to a viewer of all this that we can anchor to the desktop and have it always in view. And you have to bear in mind that one of the reasons why a PC can malfunction is because something is consuming more CPU than it should.

To check this, we can use the gadget in the Windows game bar that will allow us to always have this data in view. Well, to achieve this, the first thing we do is use the Win + G key combination. At that moment we will see that the game bar appears on the screen, in addition to other small windows. Say that these refer to elements such as the volume of the audio of each of the applications that we have open, or the transmission of content . But the one that interests us in this case is the performance window.

First of all, it is worth knowing that these are widget windows that we can move with the mouse to place them where we want. However, the most appropriate thing in this case we are talking about is that they remain fixed, as with the consumption of resources. That way we can have the performance window in view at all times, for example during a game. So, to fix it, what we do is mark the icon in the shape of a pushpin located in the upper right corner of the window. That way we will always have it in view, and for it to disappear, we only have to undo the process.

Other third-party Widgets for Windows 10

This that we have mentioned you can obtain directly from Windows without adding third-party projects. But at the same time, some external developers are still working on their own projects so that we can have these gadgets in Windows 10. That is why here we are also going to show you some of the best known. First of all, it should be mentioned that these can be found both individually and as part of a package with several.

8GadgetPack, 45 gadgets at your disposal

This is one of the most popular Windows widget packages in a long time. You can get all of them from this link and install them on your computer to use the ones you really need. As we mentioned before, among these we find some that are in charge of showing us the performance of the team in real time.

Although the entire package is made up of a total of 45 elements of this type, to say that we can activate only those that interest us. So we can control the performance of the computer at all times and always in view.

All CPU Meter, gadget to see the status of the CPU (H3)

Here we do not find a separate widget that really focuses on what interests us in these lines. You can do with it from this link and thus you will have everything you need to know about this component.

And it is not only responsible for showing us the performance of the CPU as such, but it also offers us extensive information about it. All of this will be very useful to us on certain occasions.

GPU Meter, know the use of graphics

On the other hand, in the event that what you want is to control the graphic section , you can opt for this other widget for Windows. You can download this from this link and as we said, it focuses on the use of the team’s graphic system. So we will see the use of your memory, temperature, performance, etc. All this in a small information window.

XWidget, a pack of gadgets for Windows of all kinds

Here we refer to another set of elements of this type that can decorate your Windows desktop . You can download them from this link and they will serve you for a multitude of tasks. Among them we also find them to measure the performance of the PC. Therefore this is a very interesting option for those who miss Windows 7 widgets.

Win7Gadgets, various gadgets for PC status

This is another proposal of the same type that you can obtain from this link . Although the package contains widgets of various categories, its developer allows us to download and use them depending on their use. That is why we find a section called PC System which is the one that interests us here.