Best IDEs and code editors for programming in PHP

For all those users who want to create their own web page, they can make use of a programming language like PHP. To help us with the work, we can choose to use an IDE or a code editor that will help us to do the work more efficiently. That is why it is important to know the difference between one and the other, as well as to check what more interesting options we have available at our choice.

PHP is a programming language that stands out for being easy to use, and through which we can develop applications and create websites. This language has been winning over the years, as it is free and is constantly being refined. Given its simplicity to learn how to handle it, it makes it possible for many professionals in the sector to choose it to structure websites, since as their configurations advance, the editions are simplified at the same time.

Best IDEs and code editors for programming in PHP

IDE or editor, which one do I choose?

An IDE (integrated development environment) and an editor are two different types of software that will allow us to edit our PHP files. The main difference that we are going to find between the two is related to complexity. That is why it can be said that an IDE is an editor, but improved with more extensive functionality, because through its use, developers can write, execute PHP code, while the editor’s mission focuses on helping to write code highlighting the syntax, autocompletion, and indentation.

In general, experienced programmers who need to develop complex applications that require specific coding, will use an IDE to develop their work. With it we can write, compile, execute and debug code in the same place. These typically focus on a single language and contain the language-specific compiler, interpreter, and debugger.

On the other hand, users who are starting in the world of programming and do not need to develop applications of great difficulty, will surely feel more comfortable with an editor, since it is easier to use and configure, while providing all the necessary characteristics. to code, being able to work with different programming languages.

Must-have IDEs for PHP

Next, we are going to see a series of essential IDEs that will help us to carry out programming tasks in PHP.

Apache NetBeans,

It is an integrated development environment compatible with PHP and other programming languages such as Java, JavaScript, C, C ++, HTML5, among others. It is cross-platform and free, so it can be used on Windows, macOS and Linux. It has a debugger that allows debugging web pages and scripts locally and remotely, providing support for continuous integration.

Apache NetBeans

It also has essential features such as highlighting the source code both syntactically and semantically, allowing easy code refactoring, thanks to its wide variety of powerful tools. We can download it for free from this link to the developer’s website .

PHPStorm, fast and smart

We are talking about a cross-platform IDE created by the JetBrains company for PHP, being also compatible with other languages such as HTML and JavaScript. It features on-the-fly code analysis, error prevention, and automatic refactorings. It stands out for having easy navigation and important functions such as auto-completion and syntax highlighting, as well as code assistance even while working with databases and SQL.


This application provides developers with a mix of powerful tools, useful habits and best practices for PHP development, mainly focused on taking advantage of developer productivity. PHPStorm includes a 30-day free trial that we can download from its official website . After that period it will be necessary to acquire a license that for private use has a cost of 89 euros the first year.

Zend Studio, develop applications in PHP

It is a complete integrated development environment for PHP 5.5 and later versions, which is written in Java and is available for computers with Windows, macOS and Linux operating systems. With your help we can develop PHP applications and implement them on a server with cloud support. Its features include its support for mobile application development and it is customized to implement applications in the cloud. It includes many important functions such as refactoring, automatic completion, and more.

Zend Studio

This program has been made so that any web developer can optimize the coding of all the applications that they develop, facilitating their maintenance. It will also take care of marking code errors and correcting the most common ones automatically. A free version of Zend Studio can be downloaded from their website. Once the period has elapsed, it is necessary to acquire your license, which for personal use is priced at $ 89 with free updates for one year.

Komodo IDE, fast encoding

This program is part of the Active State platform, a set of advanced open source tools for programmers. It is cross-platform so it can be used on Windows, Linux and macOS, and includes support for PHP among other programming languages. It is the extended version of the Kodomo Edit source code editor, so we will get access to all its features, as well as others such as chrome debugging, preview, independence detector, among others.

Komodo IDE

This IDE easily integrates with Gulp, Grunt, NPM, and Yarn, giving us quick access to the most common tasks. It also allows us to run emulators, create objects, interact with Cordova and PhoneGap with little effort. We can download it for free from this link to the website of its developers .

Top code editors

If we require a code editor to carry out programming tasks with PHP, these are the best options that you should take into account.

Sublime Text, for programming experts

We are facing a multiplatform code editor, light, fast and that we can customize to our liking. It has been developed in C ++ and compatible with many other programming languages and marked as PHP. Among its features, it should be noted that it has syntax highlighting, autocompletion, command palette, change indentation, etc.

Sublime text código fuente

In addition, it has high performance, a powerful API, and enables straightforward split editing and project switching. Of course, it is focused on those users who require high performance, customizable and at the same time be light. On the contrary, it can be intimidating for new users since it is not as intuitive as they would want and it does not have a powerful GIT plug-in. We can download it from this link to your website .

Atom, fast and customizable

We are talking about an open source, free and customizable text editor. It is mainly known for having a simple to use interface as well as clean, allowing us to create an environment compatible with PHP. Among its most important features, it should be noted that it has several panels, intelligent autocompletion, integrated package manager, file browser, search and replace function and its ability to share our workspace with other users in real time. That is why it claims to be one of the most complete editors.

Atom interfaz

It is aimed at those users who require a fast and customizable editor without sacrificing its aesthetics. However, it should be said that it requires more time to sort its settings and add-ons, as it is based on a browser. Also, your lashes are not as fluid as they should be, which can affect your performance. We can download Atom for free from their website.

Notepad ++, simple and low-resource

It is possibly one of the most popular text editors with which to carry out programming tasks in PHP, as well as in other languages such as Java, C ++, HTML, Pascal, etc. Its main characteristic is that it is based on simplicity and the low level of resources it needs to function, which allows it to be used on all types of computers. Likewise, we are facing a powerful tool that uses the Win32 API and STL to obtain greater speed.

Notepad++ editor de textos

This editor is also compatible with various add-ons, both our own and from the community itself, so it allows us to add new functions, as well as customize them to our liking, along with the interface. Notepad ++ is an open source application for Windows. Furthermore, its repository is also available on GitHub. We can download it for free from the official website of its developer .

Visual Studio Code, the Microsoft editor for programming

Microsoft is the company in charge of the development of this source code editor compatible with various programming languages such as PHP, as well as others as widely used as HMTL, Python, C ++. Visual Basic, etc. Its features include support for debugging, syntax highlighting, intelligent code completion, integrated Git control, and code refactoring.

Visual Studio Code

Another of its features to highlight is its compatibility with the use of fragments, which will allow us to drastically reduce the time we spend writing code. It is easily customizable and allows us to start the loaded application or attach the code to the main script. Visual Studio Code is compatible with Windows, Linux and macOS, and can be downloaded for free from its website.

What program to use

PHP is the most popular and comprehensive programming language for web development. As we have seen, we have a wide range of options to choose from when programming with this language, both in editors and in the integrated development environment. Many of these programs are free so we can use them without having to pay any type of license. Others in changes will have to pay for their use, although it is also possible to download a free version previously to be able to test them before going to the checkout.

Among the different IDEs that we can choose, Apache NetBeans is especially recommended, since in the development it incorporates all the classes that have been developed and in terms of code formatting it is considered one of the best that can be found. Plus, it’s free, so there are no excuses to try it out. As for code editors, they are all quite popular, although Visual Code Studio is one of the most used web development editors, so it is a reference option in this section.