6 Opera Features Why It Should Be Your Favorite Browser

Chrome is the most used browser worldwide and is currently found on 3 out of 4 computers. However, the fact that it is the most used, like WhatsApp in the field of messaging applications, does not mean that it is the best. Edge, Firefox and Opera are excellent alternative browsers to the almighty Google, with Opera currently having the lowest market share, although it is a more than interesting option.

In recent years, the Opera browser has introduced a large number of additional functions that go beyond a simple browser to become a multipurpose application with which we can do much more than just browse. If you want to know what are the best features of Opera as a browser, we invite you to continue reading.

6 Opera Features Why It Should Be Your Favorite Browser

Work spaces

Opera workspaces allow us to create different home pages depending on what type of activity we are going to carry out. In this way, we can have different home pages with different shortcuts to, for example, search for information about video games, about sports, access to our corporate or student environment, among others. The user is the one who has the last word to create the workspace he needs at all times.

screenshot tool

The Internet is the primary source of information for virtually everyone. Yes, we are looking for documentation for a job and we need to take screenshots, we can use the Windows function through the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Shift + S, a combination of keys that if we do not use regularly it is not easy to cut . The solution to this problem that Opera offers us is to show a camera icon in the top navigation bar. By clicking on this icon, the screen where we must select the area that we want to cut out of the web page where we are is darkened.

WhatsApp integrated

Opera integrates into a separate window that allows us to access WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger , TikTok and other social networks without having to open a dedicated tab. In addition, we can show and hide this window according to our needs, which allows us to reduce the number of tabs that we usually use both for work and study.

Other interesting features of Opera

In addition to these three functions, this browser also includes others that we cannot fail to mention.

  • Support for extensions . The Opera browser is based on Chromium which means that we can use the same extensions that we can currently be using in Chrome with Opera, so if this is one of the reasons that has always held us back in the Chrome browser, no longer we can consider it as a compelling reason not to make the change.
  • VPN included . Unlike any other browser, Opera includes a VPN included, a VPN that we can try for free and is very similar in price to what we can find on similar platforms.
  • Music player . Another interesting option available on Amazon, similar to the integration with WhatsApp, is found in the integration through a floating window of any streaming music platform, a window that we can show or hide without having to use a dedicated tab.