5 features where Firefox is better than Google Chrome

Within the software sector that we use today, the one referring to web browsers has not stopped gaining users. Programs of the importance of Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox give us access to the Internet from any place and device. Among the many proposals of this type to choose from, we must know exactly what we need or want.

Although the operation of all these browsers is practically the same, giving us access to the Internet, each one is characterized by a series of elements. The differences between the multiple options available in this sector, in some cases are important. It is true that Google Chrome is the undisputed leader here, but that does not mean that it is the best. The success of this particular program in, among other things, is given by its excellent operation in a synchronized way with other platforms of the search giant.

5 features where Firefox is better than Google Chrome

Hence, users from all over the world choose to use Chrome on their different devices, all this despite the criticism that is reported on many occasions. We have already told you that there are many alternatives out there, but Mozilla Firefox has been one of the favorites for years. In fact, the differences between both programs are more important in what we find, for example, between Chrome and Microsoft‘s Edge . It is precisely for this reason that below we will talk about some functions in which Firefox is better than the search giant’s proposal .

Features to switch from Chrome to Firefox now

We will talk about precisely this below in case you intend to migrate to Mozilla’s proposal from Google Chrome.

privacidad firefox

  • Interface customization : one of the most characteristic functions of this browser is the ability to customize the interface that it offers us. All of this allows us to design a personalized home page, in addition to keeping those controls and buttons that we want at first hand view.
  • We don’t find Google’s hand : it’s easy to imagine that Chrome integrates many functions, both internal and external, typical of the search giant. Hence precisely the complaints of many regarding privacy when using this program, something that we do not find in its competitor.
  • Firefox focuses on privacy : in fact, one of the main objectives that Mozilla has always fulfilled is to maintain the privacy of its customers and users. How could it be otherwise, this is something that applies to your browser and from which your regulars can benefit from the first minute.
  • It is based on a proprietary engine : Contrary to what happens with most current browsers that are based on Chromium , Firefox uses a proprietary engine developed by Mozilla. In this way, the firm itself provides everything necessary to improve and optimize its operation and apply it to your project.
  • Additional functions : this program also offers us some interesting additional functions. For example, one to capture the color code of any website, or the VPN that its developers propose to use here. Being a completely independent project from Chromium, Mozilla releases exclusive features unique to your browser.