Top 4 Problems When Using Tor Browser Instead of Chrome

One of the aspects that are most taken into account today when browsing the Internet, is everything related to privacy and security. This is something that is largely due to the fact that we are increasingly working with a greater amount of sensitive and personal data online.

It is precisely for all this reason that users are increasingly taking a greater number of precautions in this same sense. It is true that current web browsers offer us certain functions that will be of some help to us. Some more than others, and also most present us with different levels of privacy settings, which can affect the browsing experience.

Problems When Using Tor Browser Instead of Chrome

Thus we can choose the data to be stored by the program such as passwords, history, bookmarks, credentials, etc. But with everything and with it, even using the so-called incognito mode that many of these programs present, we are still exposed to a great extent. That is why many users, in these times, want to go one step further and choose to use the private browser par excellence, the Tor Browser .

Many users use Tor Browser to increase privacy

For those of you who don’t know it, say that this is a program that, like many others, offers us all the necessary functions to surf the Internet. But the peculiarity of it is that it makes use of the Tor network, which is known as the private network that works based on nodes that camouflage our movements on the Internet.

It is true that the aforementioned browser provides us with a much higher level of privacy in this sense than other alternatives. An example is the huge difference that we can find with respect to the most used program of this type around the world, such as Google Chrome. However, what some may not know is that it can also provide us with some drawbacks.

Tor Browser - configurar Tor

It is precisely what we want to talk about in these same lines. We refer to some problems that a not too experienced user may encounter when switching to using Tor Browser.

Disadvantages that you may encounter when using the Tor browser

The first and most obvious thing that we are going to find is in the loading speed of the pages much lower than in other more extended and used proposals. And it is that this peculiar so private operation has a price, and this concerns the performance in navigation. On the other hand, we must bear in mind that many of the functions that we find in Chrome , Firefox or Edge , we will not find them here.

We refer to the facilities and comfort of access in the introduction of credentials, reminders of visited sites, etc. It is true that all this can threaten our privacy, something that Tor Browser avoids at all costs. But of course, those who are not used to this, can see their experience greatly impaired when moving around the Internet .

And that’s not all, but there will be certain content that we are used to accessing, in which from this private proposal, they are banned. That is why there are directly certain types of content or websites that use protocols considered risky, which we will not be able to access either. All this we must take into account before migrating completely. Perhaps the most interesting thing is to use one program or another, depending on what we are going to do online . Also, let’s not think that here we can do whatever we want, that we are totally safe from everything, because this is not always the case, something that the most inexperienced also sin.