4 Edge Features to Increase User Safety

Security is an element with which we must be more and more careful, especially if we take into account the private data with which we deal on the PC. And not only on the computer locally, but all those sensitive information that we deal with on the Internet through programs like Edge or Chrome.

It is for all this that the different software developers are responsible for making a growing number of related functions available to their clients. It is true that a priori we have special protection software such as antivirus itself, but these are not always enough. For example, this is something that becomes especially clear if we talk about the currently widely used Internet browsers .

4 Edge Features to Increase User Safety

These are the main way we have to move around the webs, so here security is an even more important element. Here, programs from the popularity of Microsoft‘s Edge, Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox , among others, come into play. The new Edge of the software giant is perhaps the proposal that is growing the most lately, hence many are launching to try it due to its few months of life. How could it be otherwise, here safety is equally of extreme importance.

That is why we are going to talk about a series of functions that you should make sure that are active in this new software. They will be of great help to us when working with a program that protects us against the most recent attacks that haunt us on the Internet. These are also functions that by default we already find in Microsoft’s own software, specifically in the Settings / Privacy, search and services menu.

Activate SmartScreen

As expected, the new Edge Chromium has become the default browser for new installations of Windows 10 . That is why it must interact to the maximum with the operating system. In fact the security function called SmartScreen that you should use protects us from downloading files and malicious websites. In fact, all of this is something that is largely achieved thanks to Windows Defender , Windows 10’s antivirus.

Secure DNS feature

At the same time from Microsoft Edge itself we have the possibility to customize the use of DNS that we consider more secure. By default the browser uses those of the provider that we have contracted, but that is something that we can change and customize. Everything will depend on our provider or if we know other more secure DNS alternatives.

Block unwanted apps

On the other hand, it is worth knowing that this is a program that offers us an interesting function that by itself blocks potentially malicious applications. With this, what we achieve is that programs that, for example, can be used to store private data, do not reach our PC through Edge.

Use Edge parental controls

We tell you this because in Configuration / Child Protection, the program allows us to configure a parental control system. This helps us to prevent the little ones, if they use this PC or other equipment with Edge, from being controlled and we prevent them from accessing websites with adult content.