
When we sit down in front of a computer and take a look at it, we find a good number of ports and connectors, some of them USB.当我们坐在电脑前看一看时,会发现大量的端口和连接器,其中一些是USB。 These allow us to connect all kinds of devices to the computer, although they do not always work as well as we would like.这些使我们能够将各种设备连接到计算机,尽管它们并不总是能够像我们期望的那样工作。 Therefore, to solve these possible problems, we can use the因此,要解决这些可能的问题,我们可以使用 USBDeview 程序。

请记住,在这些时候,如果没有相应的计算机就很难构思一台计算机 USB端口 。 These have been accompanying us for several years and little by little they are improving in terms of their internal technology.这些已经陪伴了我们几年了,它们在内部技术方面也在逐步改善。 Their usefulness is beyond any doubt and as we said, they allow us to add all kinds of additional components to the PC.毫无疑问,它们的用处很大,正如我们所说,它们使我们能够向PC添加各种附加组件。 We talk about elements of the importance of the keyboard, the mouse, a webcam, a memory or hard disk, the我们谈论键盘,鼠标,网络摄像头,内存或硬盘, 打印机 等等。


Of course, although their external appearance in most cases is very similar, internally there are different types.当然,尽管它们的外观在大多数情况下非常相似,但内部存在不同的类型。 And is that not all these ports are the same, some can be USB 2.0 others USB 3.0 varying at the same time many other parameters such as their power, speed, etc. Therefore we can say that these ports are not as simple as we might initially imagine.并非所有这些端口都是相同的,有些可以是USB XNUMX,其他的USB XNUMX同时会改变许多其他参数,例如它们的功率,速度等。因此我们可以说这些端口并不像我们想象的那么简单最初想像。 At the same time we will say that同时我们会说 Windows 本身 does not provide us with too much information regarding these data that we are talking about.没有为我们提供有关我们正在谈论的这些数据的太多信息。 Therefore, in the event that we have a problem with any of them, it will be difficult to know what it is due to.因此,如果我们对它们中的任何一个有疑问,将很难知道其原因。


因此,如果有必要,或者只是简单地了解每个 电脑 USB端口,我们可以使用第三方解决方案。 We say this because there are some very useful programs for this purpose.我们之所以这样说,是因为有一些非常有用的程序可用于此目的。 In fact, in these same lines we are going to talk about one of them and that allows us to know a lot of information in this regard, it is USBDeview.实际上,在同一行中,我们将讨论其中之一,这使我们可以了解很多有关这方面的信息,即USBDeview。

值得一提的是,我们在谈论免费 Nirsoft 该应用程序基本上将向我们展示所有 参数 related to USB.与USB有关。 This will allow us to have a large amount of information on each of these ports, which will be helpful in certain cases.这将使我们能够在这些端口的每个端口上获得大量信息,这在某些情况下将很有帮助。 In fact, in this way we will have the possibility of being able to examine all the exposed data to try to locate errors in the connector.实际上,通过这种方式,我们将能够检查所有公开的数据,以尝试找出连接器中的错误。 We will also have an extensive amount of data related to these elements that we comment on.我们还将提供与我们评论的与这些元素相关的大量数据。


This could be very useful when determining which one to use for each type of peripheral that we are going to use.当确定要为每种类型的外围设备使用哪种外围设备时,这可能非常有用。 And it is not the same to connect a和连接一个不一样 USB记忆体 to a printer, for example, the needs of each are different.以打印机为例,每种打印机的需求是不同的。 Important things such as power consumption, transfer speed, type of port supported, etc. come into play here.诸如功耗,传输速度,支持的端口类型等重要信息在这里起作用。 All this with the healthy aim of trying to get the most out of our所有这些目的都是为了最大程度地利用我们的健康目标 产品及技术 连接到PC。


Once we have downloaded and installed the application to which we refer, by default the data that we are commenting on will appear immediately on the screen.下载并安装了我们引用的应用程序后,默认情况下,我们正在注释的数据将立即显示在屏幕上。 They are a lot, so we will have to scroll to the right of the它们很多,所以我们将不得不滚动到右侧 窗口 看到他们全部。


如前所述,我们将在此处找到大量信息,例如类型,体系结构, 功率 ,ID,USB类,协议,其驱动程序和版本等。通过这种方式,只需对此处介绍的内容进行一些研究,就可以找到问题所在。

But that is not all that this useful application presents us, since at the same time we have the possibility of right-clicking on any port.但是,这个有用的应用程序并不能为我们提供所有功能,因为与此同时,我们还可以右键单击任何端口。 This will give us access to the contextual menu of the application as such.这样我们就可以访问应用程序的上下文菜单。 From there we will have the possibility of carrying out various actions on the USB ports of the从那里,我们将有可能对计算机的USB端口执行各种操作。 设备 。 To give us an idea of what we say here, we can disconnect it, create a direct access to it, make it work, open the connected unit, create an为了让我们对这里所说的内容有所了解,我们可以断开它的连接,直接访问它,使其工作,打开连接的单元,创建一个 HTML 及其所有数据等




正如我们之前提到的, data related to each of the USB of the equipment that is offered here are many.这里提供的与设备的每个USB相关的东西很多。 To read them we have to move through the USBDeview interface, but we are going to offer you a more comfortable way.要阅读它们,我们必须遍历USBDeview界面,但是我们将为您提供更舒适的方法。 Thus, for example, if we have a problem with a specific port and we want to see all its information at a glance, we again access the因此,例如,如果我们对特定端口有问题,并且希望一目了然地查看其所有信息,则可以再次访问 上下文菜单 在那 端口 .

Thus, after clicking with the secondary mouse button on it, in this case we opted for the option called Properties.因此,在单击鼠标右键后,在这种情况下,我们选择了名为“属性”的选项。 Then a new window will appear on the screen where we see all the data offered in the main interface, but in a much more affordable way.然后,一个新窗口将出现在屏幕上,在该窗口中,我们可以以更实惠的方式查看主界面中提供的所有数据。

Propuedades puertos USB


The truth is that programs of this type that focus in this way on the USB ports in such a specific way, we will not find many.事实是,这类程序以这种特定方式集中在USB端口上,因此找不到很多程序。 But we will always have the opportunity to use, for example, the proposal called但是我们将始终有机会使用例如提议 树状视图 。 To say that this is UsbTreeView is a free application as well as portable, which was created for the same objective that we have just reviewed.要说这是UsbTreeView,它是一个免费的应用程序,并且具有可移植性,它是针对我们刚刚审查的目标而创建的。 Therefore, once we start it, the application will show us a good amount of information about the USB ports of our computer.因此,一旦启动它,该应用程序将向我们显示有关计算机USB端口的大量信息。 To be able to test it first hand, we only have to download the executable from为了能够进行第一手测试,我们只需要从以下位置下载可执行文件即可 链接 .


正如我们之前提到的,在这种情况下,我们一直在谈论一个针对 我们电脑的USB端口 。 Well, it is worth mentioning that it is a好吧,值得一提的是 免费软件 solution.解。 It is also worth knowing that it hardly consumes system resources, so we will not notice that it is running.值得一提的是,它几乎不会消耗系统资源,因此我们不会注意到它正在运行。

最后,我们将告诉您,为了免费进行测试,我们可以从其开发人员的网站上下载该软件, 链接 .