Xiaomi Mi Band Doesn’t Charge and Doesn’t Turn on: How to Fix

Right off the bat, you’ve been enjoying the Xiaomi bracelet for a long time, when you try to connect the charger to charge its battery, the Mi Band does not turn on. What’s going on? Is the bracelet broken? Relax, before pulling your hair you need to analyze the problem of why it does not charge and if you can do something.

A bracelet, contrary to what we can do with a mobile phone, does not have many settings that we can touch to fix its charging problems. However, there are a series of actions that we must try before throwing it away and buying a new one, no matter how cheap they are.

How to know if the Mi Band is charging?

carga mi band

Before starting the troubleshooting process, you should know if the bracelet is charging or not and it is done in the same way that you have been able to check in the past. If the Mi Band works well, you will see the charging symbol on the screen as soon as you connect it.

Connect the charger well

The main problem that prevents the Xiaomi bracelet from charging correctly is that its pins have not been correctly connected to the charger. Each generation uses a different system and this is what you have to do to correctly charge each Xiaomi Mi Band.

Xiaomi Mi Band 1, 2 and 3

carga mi band 3

The first 3 generations of the Xiaomi Mi Band house their charging pins at the bottom, which implies that it must be separated from the strap to connect it to the charger. Do it and check that you do not place it upside down, as this is one of the main causes that the Xiaomi Mi Band does not charge correctly .

Xiaomi Mi Band 4

carga mi band 4

The charger of the Mi Band 4 is different from the previous Xiaomi bracelets. In this case you also need to remove the module from the plastic strap but the connection pins are at the back, and not the bottom. Match them with the charger and press the terminal against the charging base to check that it is properly connected.

Xiaomi Mi Band 5

carga mi band 5

The last of the models applies a big change from previous generations. Users do not have to remove the portable device from the strap , simply place the magnetic USB charging pin on the back to start the charging process.

Although the system works by magnets, check that the pins are well connected.

Hold on with the Mi Band plugged into the charger

If you have a new Mi Band that won’t turn on or if your Mi Band is completely discharged, you should leave it connected to the charger for some time (10-30 minutes) after it has been plugged in. If the bracelet is completely discharged, you will not see any prompt for charging quickly.

In case after 30 minutes, the bracelet does not turn on, remove it from the charge. Wait 10-20 seconds and plug it back in to charge.

Clean the charging pins

If the Mi Band does not charge after following the previous solutions, it is time to clean the gold contact points of the bracelet and the charging cable. You can do this with cotton, a tissue or by blowing lightly on them since, even if you cannot see the dust with the naked eye, it is there. Once you have cleaned them, put the module back in the connector and check if it charges well.

Change the charging method

cargador repuesto Mi Band 5

If you have connected the charging cable to a PC or any other device, it is best to try connecting it to a phone charger (5V) and then charging it. Also, if you are already using a phone charger, try a different charger. You should also try charging it with a different charging cable if you have one available to rule out that the problem is with the charging accessory and not with Xiaomi’s own Mi Band.

Give it a light tap

If you browse through forums and Xiaomi support centers, you will discover that many users of the bracelet have fixed the charging problems of the Mi Band by giving it a slight (we repeat, LIGHT ) bump while it is connected to the charger.

This can eliminate any foreign elements that are interfering with the process internally.