How to Update Your LG OLED TV Manually with the Latest Firmware

One of the tasks that you should not miss is keeping your Smart TV updated . It is a process that in many models is carried out completely automatically, but in some configurations, it requires downloading a file from the official support page, since the television is not able to find the latest version of the firmware on its own. .

Why is it advisable to have the television updated?


The latest firmware updates usually correct problems and introduce new settings that allow a better calibration of the overall panel image. At LG they are especially attentive to these aspects in their OLED models, hence in recent months they have released quite a few consecutive updates.

One of the latter seems to improve HDR performance, obtaining better blacks and higher contrast at maximum brightness peaks, so if you are a movie buff who does not forgive a shadow, this latest version of the software will interest you.

Normally, LG TVs are capable of updating the software automatically, but the system is not always able to find the latest version automatically.

What version of firmware do I have installed?

LG Signatures Series OLED TV R

To find out the firmware version of the system that you have installed on a Smart TV, you will only have to visit the TV Settings section (keep the gear button pressed to go directly to this menu) and enter the Support section .

Once inside, click on the Software update option , and there you will see the software version that you have installed at the moment. From there you can also activate the option ” Allow automatic updates “, however, as we have mentioned, this option does not always give results, since we ourselves have tried to find a new update (which already existed) and the TV returned the “no new software updates” message.

How to download the latest LG firmware manually

To find out, you just have to visit LG’s official support page to see if there really is a new version of the system available for download. To check it, you just have to access the following link:

Once on the support website, you must enter the model of your television to immediately search for the download options available at this time. If you do not know exactly which model of TV you have at home, you only have to enter the Settings menu , access the Support section , and select the option ” TV Information “. There you can find all the details of your television, such as model, serial number, WebOS Tv version, etc.

Update LG firmware

With the exact model noted, you will have to enter it in the LG support form to know the download options that are available. In our case, we were able to download the latest version of the system, Version 03.21.16.

How to manually install the firmware

Update LG firmware

With the new firmware already downloaded it is time to install it on your TV, and for this you will need a USB memory. The process is quite simple, as the TV will take care of everything, but you will have to save the firmware to the USB stick in the correct way. These are the steps to follow:

  • Unzip the .zip file that you downloaded from the LG support website
  • You should get a file with the extension .epk
  • Erase the USB stick completely so it doesn’t have any files and create a new folder called LG_DTV
  • Copy the firmware .epk file into the LG_DTV folder of the pendrive
  • Insert the pendrive into the USB port of your TV

Your TV will immediately detect the pendrive and the firmware stored inside, and it will ask you if you want to install it immediately, so you will accept and the process will begin. If for any reason the system invited you to switch to the SmartShare view, select No Change so as not to get lost in the process.

Update LG firmware

As soon as the installation process is complete, the TV will turn itself off and restart fully automatically, so you don’t have to touch anything. After a final installation process, the system will welcome you again, and you will already have the latest version of the system installed on your Smart TV.