TikTok Account Blocked and Suspended? What You Can and Cannot Publish on TikTok

From TikTok you already know a lot of tricks and tips that we have been telling you, but perhaps you are not so clear about what you can and what not to publish on your profile. Because yes, the social network has strict regulations regarding content that should never see the light on its platform and that could lead to the suspension of your account. Some are very obvious, others … maybe not so much.

TikTok and its community rules

One of the hardest jobs any social network has has to do with controlling the posts that are made. We are millions of people in the world, with very different motivations and intentions and these are not always as good as we would like. In this way, these platforms often become a voice for negative practices such as bulling, the promotion of violence or activities that may threaten our health.

It is the duty of social media firms to offer their users a responsible freedom of expression and that goes through ensuring a safe environment in which rules are applied. Those of TikTok are for the visa of anyone who is interested in them just by accessing their official website , but it is worth reviewing them and knowing all those types of publications that could lead to the elimination of your publications or even suspension of the account .

Prohibited content on TikTok

Banned posts on TikTok are grouped into different categories according to their nature. In all cases, this type of related content implies the violation of the Community Rules of the social network.

We will review, point by point, all prohibited content following the classification of the platform:

Dangerous people and organizations

Here are all those profiles that promote terrorism (be it organized gangs or related symbols) and crime of many different types: groups that incite hatred, violent extremist organizations, organized gangs, homicide, human trafficking, organ trafficking, trafficking arms, drug trafficking, kidnapping, extortion, blackmail, money laundering, fraud, cybercrime, arms trafficking and fraud).

Grupo lucha

In the event that TikTok considers that your publication poses a public threat , they will immediately suspend your account and notify the authorities of the facts.

Illegal activities and regulated assets

The commercialization, sale and promotion of certain regulated goods is also not allowed, something that is determined by the regulations of the countries themselves – or what is the same, in Spain it may be illegal and not in the US, to give an example that would be applicable to the possession and use of firearms.

Arma de fuego

Here they enter from the promotion of criminal activities (theft, aggression, human exploitation), the sale or use of weapons, the consumption of drugs or fraud and scams (where both betting and promotions of pyramid schemes enter, something that begins to be seen more frequently on social networks lately).

Graphic and violent content

Incitement to violence against people or animals is totally prohibited, being a reason for notifying the authorities if TikTok suspects a real risk (in addition to blocking the account, of course).

TikTok - Challenge

This norm concerns, as we said, human beings (no bleeding wounds, corpses in coffins or funerals or mutilations as well as violent fights that lead to serious injuries can be shown) and animals (neither killings, amputations nor ultimately any animal cruelty) .

Suicide, self-harm and dangerous acts

Neither images of suicide nor self-harm can be shown, nor can others be encouraged to comment on such acts. Dangerous activities (where liquids or unsuitable substances are drunk, dangerous tools are used or in which, for example, a minor is shown driving an illegal motor vehicle) are also prosecuted and are grounds for elimination by TikTok .

Incitement to hatred

Attacks on vulnerable groups based on race, ethnicity, religion, gender or sexual orientation, among others, are strictly prohibited, either through insults or affirming characteristics of them that are clearly discriminatory to justify violence or exclusion against them. If the user recurs, his account will be deleted.


Here also comes the promotion of specific ideologies that also do this type of practice. Using song lyrics promoting hateful ideologies, slogans and related uniforms, or even denying “the existence of well-documented and violent events that have taken place” is also a fault within community norms.

Bullying and harassment

Within this section, abusive behaviors (such as violent threats, sexual harassment and degrading statements regarding the appearance, intellect or personality traits of a person) as well as the violation of the privacy of third parties are considered.

The latter is more important than it seems. In social networks, it is becoming dangerously fashionable to threaten to reveal personal information (where someone lives or data related to their identification) and in many cases a serious offense is being committed that, at least in TikTok, is collected as prohibited. .

Adult nude and sexual activities

Posting sexually explicit or sexually pleasing content on TikTok, or animations of this kind, is not allowed. These can involve a large number of risks, such as the application of legal penalties.

There are exceptions applied to educational, scientific or artistic content. The social network itself clarifies, for example, that images showing scars resulting from a mastectomy or debate about them are allowed.

Child safety

Child safety is an extremely sensitive issue and the service has been working for a long time. Nudity and sexual exploitation related to minors, their criminal behavior (consuming, for example, tobacco or other substances), their physical or psychological abuse, harassment or sexualization of minors are sharply pursued.


TikTok ensures that when minors account holders are identified, their accounts are immediately deleted on the platform.

Integrity and authenticity

Here enter content whose purpose is to deceive or confuse users. Here they come from sending unsolicited advertising, phishing and disinformation campaigns.

Beware of unsolicited advertising: content should not be published that shares instructions on how to artificially increase views , “likes” or followers, those who try to sell or buy views or who promote traffic that is not real .

Threats to platform security

Finally, it is also sufficient reason to delete the account that a user tries to access the official TikTok website illegally or uses automated scripts to collect information from the social network, for example.

Note: the images in this article are merely illustrative.