Realme Phones: How to Know the IMEI and Serial Number

Our phones have some elements that differentiate them from all the others, just like a car has its chassis number, the phone can be identified not only by the serial number, but also by the IMEI . You can also check it if you have a Realme mobile, we tell you how simple it is.

Realme Phones: How to Know the IMEI and Serial Number

The IMEI has always been the unique identifier of our mobile, and is usually associated with the SIM slot of our terminal. In fact, if you have a Dual SIM phone, you can check that you have two IMEIs, and this is how you can easily check this.

Access from your phone settings

Realme mobiles have quite well structured settings, especially when it comes to knowing the characteristics of the terminal and all the information related to the phone. In this case we can know both the IMEI and the serial number from the settings themselves. For this we must do the following:

  • Enter the phone settings
  • Click on “phone information”
  • Select “Status”

Now we can see a quite graphic menu with all the information on the phone, which in the case of these Realme phones, as we say, is quite visual and easy to use. In fact, once we click on the “status” section, we can access all the information that interests us.

IMEI Realme

Because within this menu we can see the IMEI, both of the first SIM slot and the second, in case it has two. Also, below, we can see the ” Serial Number ” of the phone easily. In case you want to copy the IMEI number , you just have to press and hold on the field that shows it, and wait for the “copied” message to appear at the bottom.

From the phone keypad

This is the most common way to consult it, since it is common in all phones. To do this, we must access the phone app , and enter the following characters

  • * # 06 #

Once we do, we will see how a pop-up window appears on the phone with the IMEI of the two slots in the case that we have a Dual SIM mobile. It is the fastest way to do it, as long as we remember this code for the telephone keypad.

IMEI Realme

But it is not the most common thing that we remember the code easily, so it is surely easier to access the settings in the way that we have explained to you to be able to know basic information such as the IMEI, a key data when we want to do portability or exercise our right to guarantee .