iPad Display Settings: Colors, Brightness and More Settings

If you have recently had an iPad or have never worried about certain details such as the screen settings of this, do not worry because in this article we will tell you everything you need to know. Despite the fact that there are very advanced details that cannot be retouched, the truth is that there are others that are easily accessible and that can be of help if you suffer from tired eyes, have color blindness or simply want to experiment with your tablet.

Icons can be resized

Something interesting about the iPad is that we can change the size of the application icons that we have on the main screen and in the rest. Unfortunately this is not widely adjustable, but it allows you to have two types of displays. In any case, we believe that it may be useful for you to know it to discover which one best suits your tastes and needs.

iPad Display Settings: Colors, Brightness

To do this you must go to Settings> Screen and brightness and within this menu go down and in the “Screen Zoom” section you can click on “Display” and choose between the options “Zoom” and “Standard” . While the first of them makes the icons bigger and they fit less on the main screen, with the second you will get a smaller view and in which more applications can fit.

IPadOS Dark Mode Settings

Since the arrival of iPadOS 13 it is possible to have a dark or night view on iPads. This can be activated manually whenever you want and even programmed to alternate with the traditional clear view. A quick way to access these settings is from the Control Center, but also from Settings> Display and brightness. Precisely in this last section you will be able to select that it is changed automatically at sunset and sunrise or at a specific time that you configure yourself, all with the “Automatic” box activated and entering “Options”.

Modo oscuro iPad

Adjust iPad screen brightness

Brightness is probably one of the most important parts of devices like an iPad, since it will depend on whether we see the screen better or worse in different light situations. From the Control Center you can adjust the brightness yourself by sliding your finger on its respective bar, but if you want it to be automatic you must go to Settings> Accessibility> Screen and text size and scroll down to activate the option. This will cause the device to regulate the intensity of the brightness thanks to the light sensors it has.

Centro de control iPad

Night Shift makes colors warmer

Although this is an option that not all iPads have, the most recent ones do. It is a functionality that adjusts the colors to the environmental situation in which you find yourself and also to the time of day, all with the aim of helping your eyes not get tired and you can continue to use the tablet comfortably. To activate it you must go to Settings> Screen and brightness and then activate its corresponding switch. Also in this section you can program it if you don’t want it to be always active.

IPad text size and bold

Of course, it is possible to change the font size of the iPad to fit your view. You can also make the text in bold to make it look better and even more understandable if you have a vision problem. All of this is configured, like much of the above, from Settings> Display and brightness.

What is the use of reducing white point?

Very vivid colors such as whites can be harmful to our eyes if we are exposed to them for a long time on screens such as an iPad. The solution that Apple offers for this is to reduce the white point, an option found within Settings> Accessibility> Screen and text size and that precisely reduces the intensity of these types of colors.

Ajustes pantalla iPad

Other iPhone display settings

Within the aforementioned Settings> Accessibility> Screen and text size it is possible to find many other settings related to the iPad screen and that could be useful, not only related to the screen itself but also to the interface.

  • Increase contrast.
  • Buttoned outlines.
  • I / O labels.
  • Reduce transparency.
  • Increase contrast.
  • Difference without color.
  • Smart investment.
  • Classic investment.
  • Color filters.