How to Use Wi-Fi and Surf the Internet Away from Home

Having an Internet connection has become almost essential for many users. It is something that is very present in our day to day. We have a large number of mobile devices that we use to navigate. However, we do not always have a wireless network at our disposal. In this article, we will explain how to have Wi-Fi away from home at all times, even when there is no network nearby. We have several interesting options for this.

How to always have Internet away from home

As we know, we can make use of both mobile and broadband networks and Wi-Fi connections. This second option is ideal when we are at home, at work or somewhere connected. We have many networks available almost everywhere. But of course, sometimes we may not have access, but we will have a mobile network, unless we are in an area without coverage.

Surf the Internet Away from Home

Therefore we can use some options to be able to surf the Internet anywhere . We will show the main options.

Use a portable router to connect on the street

One of the options we have is to have a portable 4G / 3G router . They use the available mobile network to offer connection anywhere. It is an interesting option for when we go on a trip, for example, and we want to stay connected at all times.

One of the positive points of having a 4G router is that we can connect multiple devices. It works through a SIM card and allows us to offer a Wi-Fi network and connect a mobile phone, tablets, laptop … In short, any equipment we carry.

Keep in mind that portable routers generally have an integrated battery. In this way we will not need to connect to the electrical network, since it has an autonomy of several hours. It is ideal for example to take a train or bus trip and have connection at all times.

Frontal del router MiFi 4G NETGEAR Nighthawk M2 con los botones de acción

Dongles to have Internet anywhere

An alternative is dongles. It has its advantages and disadvantages, but it is yet another way to connect to the Internet outside the home. In this case it is a USB device that we can connect to our computer. Once again it will work thanks to a SIM card that we connect and that gets a mobile network.

However, there is an important point that we must highlight, and that is that we can only navigate from the device to which we connect. For example if we connect the USB to a laptop, we can only navigate from that computer.

This will involve certain limitations. For example, it means that we will not be able to connect from other devices such as mobile phones or tablets. Many of these devices are not going to be compatible because they cannot be connected via USB.

However, it is another option to navigate outside the home when we do not have a network available nearby.

Share connection with mobile or Tethering

We can also share the connection from our mobile phone. Without a doubt, it is the cheapest and most accessible alternative for users. We are simply going to have to have a connection on the phone and make it compatible in order to share the signal with other equipment.

This is interesting if we want to use our mobile network to navigate from a computer, tablets or any other device. Of course, it must be borne in mind that the battery consumption can be excessive, in addition to that it is not the most indicated to connect multiple equipment at the same time.

MiFi vs Tethering

Available wireless networks

Although we have mentioned that we will not always have a Wi-Fi network to connect to, the truth is that today in most places we will be able to find an alternative. We are talking about hotels, shopping malls, stations … In short, wireless networks are very present.

However, it must be borne in mind that this can also lead to security problems . When we decide to enter a public Wi-Fi network, such as in a store or any local, we must avoid sharing sensitive information, making payments or logging in.

We do not really know who may be behind public networks and, although they are one more alternative to connect to the Internet outside the home, we must take it with caution.