How to Fix Huawei Backup Problems

If you have a Huawei mobile, it is more than likely that you have encountered the fatal error with the backup of Huawei Cloud , this problem is well known, although easy to solve. It affects both users who have a Huawei mobile with Google services, but especially those who have a Huawei without Google apps since they will not be able to support all their data in Google Drive.

 Fix Huawei Backup Problems

Be that as it may, we are going to teach you how to solve this problem, as well as other derivatives when trying to copy data safely on Huawei . Sometimes it is not enough just to try repeatedly and we will have to put letters in the matter so that this problem does not appear every week. It does not matter the mobile we have or the version of EMUI since it affects everyone equally.

Error creating backup on Huawei

As we show you in the images, this message appears without prior notice in an extended way once every 7 days, as it is the period that is established in EMUI by default. If we don’t fix it and just ignore it, we’ll see it again every week. To end the problem of copying in Huawei you just have to enter its details or go to Settings> Account> Cloud and follow the steps that we show you in your options.

error copia seguridad huawei cloud

This error appears because we do not have contracted more space in the Huawei cloud and therefore the storage may not be enough. Previously this did not happen since WhatsApp and other applications did not support the backup here, worse after the problems with the United States if it has been added.

Change the options to get the copy made

The only thing that we will have to do to solve it and that at least the most basic data is still stored safely in Huawei Cloud is to enter the backup options. Here we recommend practically not removing any option, but at least the music if you have several files. The most important thing to be able to do the backup on Huawei is to enter the application data.

opciones copia seguridad huawei cloud

At this point we recommend deactivating all the options, where for now WhatsApp, Telegram and Facebook are included. We must do this especially if we have Google services, since everything will be protected by Google Drive. Later we go back and in the Cloud options, we can deactivate the backup of the gallery, one of the largest and that prevents making copies for space.

EMUI settings blocking backup

Can only be done with WiFi connection

One of the limitations that we find in Huawei is that we cannot perform backups without WiFi. The system is not prepared for this and will only allow us to do so if we kill each other all the time connected to a WiFi network. If we see the failure that we show you in the image, it may be because we have moved away from the WiFi or one of the following.

copia de seguridad huawei problema

Turn off battery saver

The system that EMUI uses to save battery can cause interruptions in the WiFi network and the closure of Huawei Cloud in the background , this will throw us errors and we will not be able to get the update without problems. It is best to disable it until it completes.

Restart the mobile if the problem continues

Other times the failures are specific and many users have shown their dissatisfaction in the Huawei forums, however, just by restarting the mobile and trying again the problem seems to be solved.