How to Configure Email Notifications in Home Assistant: A Step-by-Step Guide

Notifications are very important in Home Assistant specifically for real time update as well as for automations. The following is a step-by-step advice on how you can configure email notifications using the SMTP programs. Namely, using Home Assistant, one can notify via Telegram, push, or email. Now, we are going to discuss about setting up of email notification.

home assistant notification

Setting up the capability for email notifications in Home Assistant

As a result, Home Assistant can connect to any mail with support of SMTP such as Gmail, Outlook, and Yahoo. This is how one can get the Gmail contacts: since Gmail has two-step authentication, you need an application-specific password for this.

Step 1: As stated earlier, Gmail account users are required to have an application specific password and here is how you can generate one;

Manage Google Account: Click on the account settings on the Google Homepage.

Security Menu: You can either pick ‘Two-step authentication’ or ‘Android’ depending on your preferences.

Application Passwords: After that to scroll down and click on the option which says “Application passwords”.

Create a New App Password: Give it the name “Home Assistant” then save the created password.

Step 2: Set home assistant

Open Configuration File: Below settings click on the “Plugins” and then select “File Editor”.

Edit Configuration. yaml: append the following code:


notify: – service: smtp name: “Gmail Notifications” from: “your_email@gmail. ” com” recipient: “recipient_email@gmail. com” server: “smtp. gmail. com” timeout: 15 From the port: 587, the username to use in the connection is your_E-mail@Gmail. com password: target_port: 587 your_generated_app_password encryption: starttls sender_name: “Home Assistant Alerts”

Configuration Options Explained:

name: This is a label that is given to an object or a subject to enable one differentiate it from all the others that are similar to it.

sender: The email address from which system generated notifications are delivered.

recipient: The email address which will receive the notifications.

server: SMTP server domain of your email provider – it is the last part of the address you input into the box.

timeout: Amount of seconds to wait before the retry if the previous action did not work as expected.

port: Smtp protocol port (587 of Gamil).

username: Your current valid email address with Gmail for instance: john@gamil. com

password: The long alphanumeric password created for use in the particular application that we created earlier.

encryption: This partly clarifies how such mail servers as Gmail use starttls as the type of encryption.

sender_name: The identification of the individual displayed every time an e-mail is received.

Step 3: The implementation of these recommendations will help savers to diversify their investments, restart their financial plans, and receive decent remuneration for their funds.

Save Configuration: After making the necessary changes on Configuration, the click on save button normally. yaml.

Restart Home Assistant: Some changes require you to go to tools/Developer Tools and restart the application/website.

Testing Email Notifications

To test your configuration:

Developer Tools: Go to “Developer Tools”.

Services: Select the “Notifications” and then choose your set service for example, e. g. , Gmail).

Send Test Email: Include a subject and body to your message and then send it out for the group.

Using Email in Automations

For automations:

Notification Service: Choose the Notification with Gmail service.

Set Email Content: The subject of the email should be defined in the “title” variable, as for the message body it should be stored in the “message” variable.

Additional Tips

Two-Step Verification: The verification you need to check in your email service allows you to create passwords application-specific.

Multiple Email Services: This allows you to add a number of email accounts and select the right one for this automation.

Mail alerts in Home Assistant are stable and can be used as the second alert system to track home events along with Telegram and push notifications. This makes it possible to receive all the alerts on the go using your smartphone or back at your computer with all the emails in your inbox.

Consult the Home Assistant SMTP for the detailed option.