Can the Apple Watch Be Used as an Alarm Clock? Here’s What You Should Know

Some of the users have taken advantage of the iPhone’s Always-On feature, especially for using it as an alarm clock at night to show time and other notifications without interfering with the sleep. But what about the Apple Watch; the device that should be on everyone’s wrist? Can it also be used as an alarm clock and does it work on all the versions? Now let’s see how this feature can be applied to the Apple Watch and if it can remain active all the time as is the case with the iPhone.

Apple Watch Display

Apple Watch Sleep Mode: It Works

I know that Apple Watch has a Nightstand Mode which makes the watch face a small clock when placed horizontally and Charging is connected. When the screen turns on the time is displayed in a soft red light which is quite easy on the eyes especially if you are just waking up and need to check the time without being disappointed by bright light.

However, there’s a catch.

What is wrong with the Apple Watch Nightstand Mode?

Unlike iPhone who has an Always-On display the watch does not display the time even when it is charging. After a few seconds the screen goes black. If you want to see the time again, you’ll have to tap the watch, shake it or move it to wake up which is not as convenient as having the iPhone as your bedside clock.

This is because even Apple Watch models which support Always-On display do not allow this feature to remain active when the watch is charging and thus it is not very useful for use at night.

Why Can’t Apple Watch be Left On All The Time?

This could be due to the fact that the battery capacity of the Apple Watch is comparatively smaller as compared to the iPhone battery. Still, it would sit idle while connected to the charger and Apple has not offered an always-on mode during this period either. This is a real disappointment because the Apple Watch could have been the ideal bedside clock as it is the iPhone.

Will future apple watch models make a switch?

To date, it is not possible for the Apple Watch to display time while charging, permanently. Still, every time a new Apple Watch model is released, users continue to wish that this feature could be implemented at some point. May be in the Apple Watch Series X or in the future models, Nightstand Mode will be allowed to stay always on to solve this issue.


While the Apple Watch has Nightstand Mode which display time briefly when charging, it does not remain on as the iPhone does. For now, the users will have to touch the watch in order to check the time at night. This is where I hope that in the future releases, Apple will expand on this feature and make the Apple Watch the perfect bedside companion.

Do you want to find this feature in the next Apple Watch? Share your thoughts!