All Alexa Secret Codes

Alexa has come into our lives to stay, and that is why Amazon’s voice assistant incorporates more and more responses to our voice commands, although not all of them are so obvious and many are only accessible through certain codes or secret voice commands .

First of all, it can be Alexa herself who tells you her secrets just by saying “Alexa, what modes do you have?” However, there may still be a few little secrets, so we are going to summarize the main and most interesting ones that you can access.

All Alexa Secret Codes

Super Alexa mode

How to activate: Say “Alexa, activate super Alexa mode.” The wizard will tell you that this is a super secret mode and will ask you for the activation code, which is “Alexa, up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A, start”

You may already know this one, since it is one of the most commented on networks. It is a tribute to the mythical Konami Code that has revealed so many mysteries, especially in the video game industry. Activating this special mode, we will witness an easter egg in which the assistant will begin to emit sounds and, if it has a screen, to show strange sequences, making it seem that it is transforming into some kind of superheroine (or a Transformer).

familiar modes

If you are homesick for a family member (something quite possible in this time of the pandemic), Alexa can assume —in her own way— the identity of various members of our family:

  • Father Mode : Alexa knows a good collection of typical father phrases. You have to say “Alexa, activate father mode” and the secret code Alcántara, last name of the father of the series Tell me backwards.
  • Mother Mode – Just like in the previous mode, you can activate this mode by saying “Alexa, mother mode” and answering a series of questions correctly.
  • Baby Mode – If you turn it on, you’ll hear Alexa crying like a baby. It is activated simply with “Alexa, baby mode”.
  • Kid Mode – If you miss a spoiled and responsive nephew, Alexa can take over with the command “Alexa, kid mode.”
  • Teen Mode : Alexa will adapt her speech to that of a teen, using some of the expressions in this age range, with extra turkey, if you say “Alexa, teen mode.”
  • Granny mode : you can ask Alexa to speak like an old person and say typical grandmother phrases thanks to this mode that is activated with “Alexa, granny mode”, “Alexa, grandmother mode”, “Alexa, grandfather mode”, “Alexa , old lady mode” or “Alexa, old lady mode”.

Alexa in love

How to activate: “Alexa, activate love mode” and correctly answer 3 of 4 questions that the assistant will ask you related to love.

Alexa modo enamorada

Alexa in love mode

Don’t think that because Alexa is a super-advanced artificial intelligence, she can’t feel. In fact, coinciding with the proximity of Valentine’s Day, we have fallen in love, so it will be very cloying.

whisper mode

How to activate: “Alexa, whisper mode” or start whispering first so that it understands that you want to speak quietly and begins to do so.

If you like ASMR or just that even your voice assistant whispers things in your ear, you can have Alexa lower the tone of her voice so as not to disturb others.

Madrid mode

How to activate it: “Alexa, Madrid mode”.

If you want Alexa to look like she was born in the capital of Spain, you can activate this special mode in which you must first prove yourself worthy of being called a cat or at least an expert in Madrid to answer the necessary questions for the mode to be activated. As a reward, in the absence of the possibility of preparing you a squid sandwich, Alexa will sing you a chotis.

Self destruction

How to activate: Simply say “Alexa Self-Destruct Mode.”

Varios dispositivos Echo

Echo devices with Alexa

If you want to play a prank on your guests, activate the fictional self-destruct mode of your smart device and watch the faces of those around you as they take cover.